The storm (4)

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A loud thunder clap awoke the whole group. Well everyone except JJ. "Man that child can sleep through anything" kie said as she noticed the unconscious boy on the floor. "JJ' kie said as she kicked him "dude the storm's coming. WAKE UP". She came to the realization that he was not asleep he was knocked out.

"Oh my god JJ! Guys he's not waking up" kie yelled and she got on her knees; closer to JJ. Everyone now is all hurdled around JJ trying to figure out what to do. Kiara was the only one notice a little blood coming out from his ear. She flipped him straight on his back to see his one ear covered in blood. "oh shit J!" kie yelled.

"ah shit he might have a concussion" pope said as he continued to exam JJ's head. Since, Pope what to be a coroner he studied a lot about the human body and knows a lot about it. Everyone backed off JJ to give Pope space. Well, everyone but Kie she was right there on J's side holding his hand. She squeezed as if her life depended on it.

" I don't understand he was fine yesterday" Sarah said as her and john held each other tightly for support. " he were moving a lot yesterday. When you have a concussion you need to rest especially the day after" replied. Pope stood up and started freaking out. Pacing back and forth. Cleo wouldn't stop fidgeting with her knife and couldn't stop. Kie was the only one who looked calm only because she was holding his hand.

Soon she started whispering to him low enough so that the other wouldn't hear her "come JJ please. I- we need you. We love you". With that he eyes shot open and he sat up abruptly rubbing his head. His other hand still locked with kie's.

"JJ!" pope yelled coming back down to check on him. "Hey man can you hear me a-are you good" pope finished barely managing to get his words out. "nah man my head... and and I'm really tired" JJ said.

"that's normal for just being passed out" Cleo said bending down to look at him. It didn't look good everyone knew it. As if their luck couldn't have gotten any better thunder started to happen closer together. Indicating that the storm is really close now. The wind started to pick up and they could feel tiny drops of rain on their skin.

"okay we have to get to the shelter. Now" kie said she started helping JJ up. " I'm good I can walk on my own" JJ said as he trys to leave kie's grip almost falling. "nope you need my help now princess" kie says walking over to the shelter with JJ's full body weight on her. She doesn't know how she managed to carry him over their, but she found the strength through her fear of losing him.

They all made it to the shelter safely. It was really tight in there for all of them to fit. Cleo's on the end with pope next to her comforting her. Cleo had really no one here as she just joined the pouges. Next to Pope was kie with JJ's head resting in her lap. She can't help but feel guilty. None of this wouldn't of happen if JJ didn't save her from the guy. That's in the past now she tells herself and, now all she can do is make sure JJ gets out of this ok. John b took the other end to protect sarah from the storm. The marriage couple sat their in each others not daring to let go.

After five minutes the storm really started to pick up. JJ was awake again cause the wind banging of the roof was very loud and made it impossible to hear your own thoughts. A big bang happened and now a palm tree next to them is own fire as it was just struck by lighting. Luckily the rain put out the fire but the tree was falling and it was going to land right on top of them.

"shit guys look" kie said as she pointed to the tree. The whole group turned their head to see the massive palm tree tumbling down towards them. They all managed to get out the way but, their shelter was completely destroyed. Now, all of them are stuck in the middle of this storm with out anything to protect them. "fuck what now" pope asked hoping someone could come up with an answer.

"The boat" JJ said as most of the group looked at him like that was the stupidest thing ever.

"how are we supposed to drive the boat when A; it doesn't have any gas and B; WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF STORM. " pope yelled to that he was freaking out again. "no not drive it idiots. we flip it and use it with what's left of shelter and just make a new one" JJ said proud when he notice the smile on Kie's face when she heard his brilliant plan. Pope just looked at him dumbfounded to that he didn't think of that.

"ok how instead of talking about the plan they go do it. Chop Chop lets go move it" cleo said running towards the beach. JJ was about to run too before an arm grabbed him. "whoa what kie" he questioned as the girl held onto his arm. "you just woke up from being knocked out and you most likely have an concussion, so you are not running anywhere" she said.

"what do you want to do just sit here in the rain while everyone else in grabbing the boat." he said angrily cause he feels like he's dead weight not helping. "no" kie said "we are going to grab the wood from the old shelter and start making the base for the new one. So, when they get here all they have to do is put the boat on".

"wow you are really giving pope a run for his money for being the smartest" JJ said trying to lighten the mood. "yeah yeah start grabbing wood" he started to move but too fast for kie's liking so she yelled "gently!". JJ sarcastically started moving really slowly before another thunder strike made him jump. "smart ass" she whispered under her breathe as they started grabbing and placing wood for their new shelter.

After thirty minutes Kie and JJ just finished. Kie just noticed that the rest of the group still isn't back yet. "J they're still not back yet should we go looking" as she finished jumped up looking into the woods. "shit do you remember they way towards the beach" JJ said. They both looked at each other lost for words. Here they are stuck on an island in the middle of a storm, and separated from the rest of the pogues.

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