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Frankie woke up to her phone alarm buzzing off. She had a massive neck cramp after sleeping on the floor.

Once she let Rafe stay she let kie and sarah sleep on her pullout couch. Which meant she was on the floor.

She turned off her alarm and jumped right up. She needed to wake up before Rafe so he wouldn't see Sarah and Kie.

She walked over and opened the door to Rafe still asleep. Soon, she gently shook him to wake him up. He began to wake up and realize where he was.

"frankie what the fuck are you doing here pogue" he said in disgust. She didn't feel like fighting with him and just wanted him gone so she picked up his phone and put it right up to his face to unlock it. Once she was inside she went to his calls and saw the most used was some guy named theodore.

So she dialed the number. "hey is this theo?"
"yeah and why isn't this Rafe" he answered.
"yeah um he was drunk last night so i let him crash here and now i need someone to take him   away."
"ohhh ok where are you?"
"here let me text it to you"

She texted him her address and to bring someone else to take Rafes car. Around 15 minutes later a BMW pulls up which she assumed was his friend.  Rafe was still very hung over so he had his one arm around frankie as she led him out the back door so he wouldn't see Kie and Sarah.

Frankie looked up to see a very good looking brunette walking towards her with another brunette behind him.

"oh shit Rafe you got your shit rocked" said the one farther back as he came running over taking Rafe off of Frankie's shoulders.

The other opened the door to let Rafe in then he walked over to frankie. "thank for taking care of him" he said.
"yeah just make sure he doesn't come knocking on my door again"
"ok well it was pleasure anyway?"
"ahh. So frankie can i have his keys?"
"oh right one sec"

She quickly went inside and grabbed his keys then came back out. "here and his car is just in the other side of the trailer"
"Thanks" He said before walking away but just before he went out of he vision he looked back and smiled. The once she saw booth cars drove away she went back inside to wake up kie and Sarah.

JJ woke up alone on the couch with his shirt off and just his boxers on. He looked around and saw nobody but the smell of eggs. He got up and walked over to the kitchen to see Fay cooking.

"don't even think about it. Only made enough for me"
"wow isn't that incredibly rude to your guest"
"yeah not if your guest smell like fish piss like seriously when was the last time you got a shower"He didn't answer her.

"look you can take one here but i have to go somewhere soon so you'll be here alone. I expect you gone when i'm back ok?"
"sure whatever. Where's you shower"

She pointed down that hall and he left to get in the shower. She finished cooking her eggs and quickly golfed them down before heading out the door. She saw Frankie out and waved before getting on her bike and driving away.

Kie and Sarah were alone in the trailer cause Frankie had to go to work. them both quickly took a shower and brushed our teeth since they haven't in weeks.

"hey sarah you ready"
"yeah where we going"
"back to john b's you and him gotta talk"
"oh just like you and JJ"
"no, what"
"kie are we really gonna have this talk again"
"look i don't know what you want from me. Me and him already tried and he made it very clear he doesn't want to see me"
"i know kie but-"
"no! nothing else let's go"

The girls walked out the door and turned around and locked it. Unluckily JJ also left at that time and was leaving fay's trailer. The both walked into the street then the two groups saw each other.

"oh shit kie" sarah said as the them three meet together in the middle of the street. Kie and JJ just looked at each other until Sarah came up and slapped him in the face.

"that's for telling john B. Now im going to the château and you two are staying here and figuring it out!" She yelled as she walked away.

"Look JJ. I'm sorry about what happened i didn't mean for all of this to happen. I just want us to go back to how things were"
"kie what do you not get. They can't!! Look the pogues were all i had, and now im realizing that that's not enough."

"what do you mean not enough."
"i mean kie i can't any more with risking my life maybe for you the pogues are just some dumb little side project and the second one thing goes wrong you can go home to mommy or daddy kie. I need to be on my own" Je tried to walk away but kie grabbed onto his arm.
"J please I- I"
"save it kie too late"

With that he walked away leaving the girl there to cry in the middle of the street.

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