Death (7)

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It's been one week since cleo's death. They all have pushed it to the back of their brains and haven't thought about it. But kie, all she can think about is cleo. How she wasn't good enough to save her, and useless she was when JJ held her. This guilt was different than it was with john b. With his 'death' she had someone to blame someone to put all of her anger on. Now, with cleo the only she can barely blame JJ and herself. JJ was doing the right thing by stoping he, but kie can only see as him not trying to save cleo.

After their first week on pougelandia they have set up a system. JJ and john b go every morning at catch fish, Pope and kie they gather water and boil it, and sarah she kept gathering wood. Since, wasn't really talking to JJ he was completely forgot about his concussion and is doing whatever he wants.

That bugged kie but she had to stay strong. Tough all she wanted to do is talk to her best friend. She was the last one to wake up when she saw everyone being up and getting ready for the day. JJ noticed she was finally awake and walked over to her to help her up. "good morning princess" he said putting his hand out to help her up with a smirk on his face. She really wanted to accept it. To his skin again, but she is too proud to and go up on her own.

As she got up she walked past him with even looking at him. She walked away from the group into the woods. The pouges all looked at JJ with sorry on their face. Pope was confused about why was kiara so mad about what JJ did. Usually it's JJ running into the dumb shit and Kiara stopping him. So what's so different this time.

Pope's thoughts got cut off form the sounds of JJ chasing after kie. He ran off where she left running till he saw her. She was just about the jump into this little creek to clean off before JJ yelled "kie wait!".

She turned around to see him there jogging over to her. After all the times she ignored him he still chased after her. Kie didn't want to talk to him right now. Mainly because he was going to ask why has she still been ignoring him and, honestly kie wasn't to ask that question to herself. Panicking she just jumped into the creek hoping JJ would just leave her alone.

JJ knows what she was doing and started to take off his shirt. After he took it off he stood there looking at her while she was staring back.He finally jumped in breaking the staring contest. He started to swim over to her, and didn't move. She couldn't something was telling her to stay. The water was shallow enough for her to stand where her head and neck were out of the water.

He finally reached her and gave some distance between each other. "kie what's going on why are you still mad" he said finally breaking the silence between them. "be- because" she said looking at him "because of cleo".
"bullshit" he knows she's lying. He knows that she knows it wasn't his fault she why is still acting like this. "kie i know it's not because of cleo so why!" he started to yell. This is one of his best friends and her acting like this was breaking his heart. "i- i" she was stuttering a lot. "come on kie what is it" he shouted "is because of me do you just not like me?".
"no JJ not because i don't like you" she answered.

"then what what is it cause i have know idea what i did and it's killing me inside having you ignore me" he finished looking down at the girl. She looked away from him breaking his heart even more. " wow come on kie say something please or just do something kie-" he was cut off short from kie grabbing his head and pulling him into a kiss. They stood there making out for a minute but it get longer then that. Finally kie pulled away she looked at him and, he had his goofy grin on his face. But, before he could say anything kie starting to swim away.

JJ stood starstruck for what just happened but, little did he know he had someone watching their little moment. Pope stood there heart broken after watching the recent events. He get betrayed by kie and JJ and had no clue what to do about it. Finally he stared walking back to camp while JJ just stood there in the water.

Death affects everyone differently some people let out there true feelings while others just hold theirs in.

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