Never Say No to Rarity

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Potion Nova walked into Sugar Cube Corner. It was 3:00 a.m. and she had come to restock the potions fridge. With a wink, the fridge was completely filled. She turned around and jumped back in surprise.
"Oh, Rarity! You startled me. I didn't know you were here." Nova said with a nervous chuckle followed by a relieved sigh.
"Gaze upon my gems." Rarity said.
"W-what?" Potion Nova was confused as she did not see a single gem in sight.
"Gaze upon my gems." Rarity repeated. Potion Nova looked at the clock on the wall and then back to Rarity.
"Look, I'd love to 'gaze upon your gems', really, but I really do have a schedule to keep to. So, how about a rain check on that?" Nova said with a nervous grin. Rarity frowned. She took a slow step towards Nova. And then another.
"Gaze. Upon. My. Gems." She said through gritted teeth. Nova could feel her uncomfortableness rise.
"I-I really should get going now." She said. She flapped her wings and lifted herself up a bit. Rarity levitated a blender that was located behind Nova and out of her sight.
"Gaze. Upon. My. Gems." She said again before smacking Potion Nova on the back of the head. She fell to the floor immediately, unconscious.

Gaze Upon My Gems: A Pony Life Horror Story Where stories live. Discover now