The Machine

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Potion Nova was forced awake by the sound of Rarity swinging the heavy, metal door open.
"Gaze upon my gems." She said. With a poof of her magic, Nova and Twilight both had ropes tied around their waists. Between them was another rope attached to Nova's rope on one end and Twilight's on the other. Another rope came off of the rope between them. That one was being grasped by Rarity's magic. "Gaze upon my gems." She said again before giving it a tug. Potion Nova and Twilight were both forced onto their hooves. Rarity led them out of the cell and down a dark hallway. She brought them into a room with a large machine that connected to both the floor and the ceiling. The humming sound was unbearably loud here. There was a small open section in the machine, but Potion Nova did not know what it was for.
Rarity untied the rope that connected Twilight to Potion Nova and tugged Twilight towards the machine. Potion Nova began to panic. She didn't know what the machine was, but she knew it wasn't good and she knew she didn't want Twilight anywhere near it. She impulsively charged at Rarity. She hit her in the flank causing one of her back legs to go into the machine's open space. Her leg instantly turned to gem. Rarity dropped Twilight's rope in surprise.
"Come on!" Potion Nova said. Her and Twilight took off down the hall. They didn't know where the exit was nor where they were going. They just needed to get away from Rarity. Running was hard as they were both exhausted, but adrenaline gave them the push they needed. Twilight looked up at the ceiling. There were veins of crystal running all through it as well as the floor.
"The machine is connected to this entire cave system." Twilight huffed out. That seemed to explain why it seemed as though the humming was everywhere all at once. The two kept running on.

Gaze Upon My Gems: A Pony Life Horror Story Where stories live. Discover now