The Humming Sound

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The room they were in was very bare, but there was also some sort of humming noise just quiet enough to make one question if it was even a real sound. Sometimes the humming seemed unbearable, sometimes it seemed barely there, but no matter how quiet it got, it was always there. The sound always seemed out of reach in some way. Nova and Twilight could never seem to figure out which direction exactly the sound was coming from, nor what was causing it. Something about it bothered Potion Nova more than she thought it should.
          She wondered if Twilight could hear it too, or if she was just going crazy. Twilight never mentioned the noise to Nova, though, so Nova did not speak of it either. Although, something in Twilight's expression whenever the sound seemed loud seemed to show an unspoken understanding in Nova's concern at the heightened volume of it.
          "What is it?" Potion Nova finally asked.
          "The noise? I'm not quite sure....... it sounds like it could be some sort of machine." Twilight said. Her voice didn't hide her exhaustion well. Potion Nova felt bad for Twilight. Just the few days that Nova had been trapped had seemed unbearable, but Twilight had been there long before her. She always seemed so broken.
          Potion Nova got up from her spot and slowly walked over to Twilight in her corner. Her body ached from sleeping on such hard ground. She sat down next to Twilight. Twilight leaned against Nova and closed her eyes. Nova looked at Twilight as she took slow breaths. She still got weary whenever Twilight closed her eyes. For each long pause between Twilight's breathes Nova held her own. She sat and wondered how long Rarity planned to keep them for....

Gaze Upon My Gems: A Pony Life Horror Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora