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          Potion Nova hastily scrambled up fallen rocks and shimmied her way up into the hole as best as she could. Twilight looked up at her from the bottom. She was so tired, but she was so close. She hoisted herself up out of the hole and onto..........grass! She laughed happily with excitement.
          "Twilight," she hollered down the hole "I'm out! I'm actually out! We made it!" She said excitedly. Twilight's eyes lit up as she began to climb up into the hole. Nova helped to hoist her up onto the grass. Twilight looked around and laughed. She locked eyes with Nova for a moment before nuzzling her. Nova nuzzled her back. They then both started running away from the hole, laughing and crying. The air felt amazing. The grass felt amazing. Everything felt amazing. They were both tired as hell, but they were free and their excitement fueled them. They managed their way back to town and stumbled into Twilight's house. Twilight was down on the floor almost immediately, sleeping. Potion Nova looked at her and smiled before walking over and laying down next to her. She laid  her head on the floor and looked at Twilight. For once, she had no fear of death. She smiled and closed her eyes.

Gaze Upon My Gems: A Pony Life Horror Story Where stories live. Discover now