Ch. 7 New Home

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All Might: Now, on to the next match! The next two teams will be. . . He said as he reached into the two boxes.

He then pulled two balls with the next two teams written in them.

All Might: Team A and Team D! He said as he showed the class the results.

That meant it would be Izuku and Ochaco against Tenya and Katsuki.

All Might: Team A will be the heros, and Team D will be the villains! He said with a serious smile.

The teams looked at each other, but Katsuki seemed to be mainly focused on Izuku everyone else.

While they started having your match, you had just arrived at Recovery Girl's office. You opened the door and she saw you carrying Yosai.

Recovery Girl: What happened? She asks with a serious tone as she needed to understand.

(Yn): Yosai when a little overboard during combat training and his power drained his stamina. I just wanted to bring him here cause you know more about injuries than I do. You said as you laid him in the bed.

Recovery Girl examined him for a few moments before coming to her own conclusion.

Recovery Girl: He'll be fine. He doesn't have any bad injuries. He just needs to regain his strength. She said with a reassuring smile.

(Yn): Thanks, Recovery Girl. That's good to hear. You said with a relieved smile.

Recovery Girl: You better get back to class. I'll keep an eye on him til he wakes up. She says with a smile.

(Yn): Okay. Thanks again. You said with a smile.

After you left her office, you exhaled with relieve and started heading back to the battle center. But you decided not to fly there cause you were still feeling really drained yourself. You had used a lot of your own energy to rescue Yosai and get him here. So a nice quiet walk was something you needed.

Soon, you made it back to the battle center, but right as you entered, you saw two robots carrying Izuku on a stretcher out of the place. You hurried up to the observation room and found everyone there.

All Might: Ah, young (Yn), you're back! He said with a smile.

(Yn): Yeah, what happened? You asked as you were worried about Izuku.

Elena: He and Katsuki went a bit too far in their match. She said with a nervous tone.

You looked over at Katsuki and saw that he didn't seem injured at all.

(Yn): Why does he look fine? What happened out there? You asked with a serious look.

Katsuki: None of your damn business. He said with an enraged look.

He was starting to anger you, but you took a deep breath before you did anything you would regret. You then turned around and looked at All Might.

(Yn): I would like to know what happened. You said with a calm tone.

All Might: Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka won the match, but only barely. I should've stepped in since it was getting really dangerous, but before I could, Izuku used his power to help Ochaco win even though they were in completely different floors. He explained with a smile.

(Yn): So, Izuku was hurt by his own power again. That's why he ended up like that. You said as you understood the situation.

Ochaco: Yeah, I probably shouldn't have left him to deal with Katsuki alone. She said with a guilty feeling.

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