Ch. 8 Class Rep

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The next morning, you started to wake up to birds singing outside your window. You sat up and stretched your arms and back to try and wake yourself up. You yawned as you stood up from your bed and looked out the window. It was kind of nice to see some birds and a nice yard outside your window instead of rubble and trash, so you really liked it.

You were wearing a pair of Darri's old pajamas, but you didn't mind cause they weren't a weird color or design. They were just plain white.

(Yn): Maybe Nemuri has some breakfast or something. You said as you yawned again.

You walked out of your room and headed over to the kitchen to find Darri instead of Midnight. She was eating a bowl of cereal.

Darri: Morning (Yn). She said with a smile.

(Yn): Morning. You said with a sleepy tone.

Darri: Did you sleep well or. . .? She asked as she was unsure.

(Yn): No, I slept really well. Better than I have in a long time. My body just doesn't want to wake up. You said as you sat down at the table.

Darri: I've been there. Those pajamas kind of suit you. You can keep them if you want. She said as she took a bite of cereal.

(Yn): Thanks. I like them too. So, what are you eating? You asked as you stretched to wake up more.

Darri: Oh, it's my favorite cereal, Calbee Frugra. You want a bowl? She asked with a smile.

(Yn): I'd love one. You said with a smile.

Darri finished with her bowl and went to kitchen to take care of it while also getting you some.

(Yn): Hey, where's Nemuri? You asked as you didn't know where she was.

Darri: She got called in to UA early this morning. She didn't give me any details. She said as she brought over a bowl of cereal for you.

(Yn): Gotcha. And thank you. You said as Darri put the bowl in front of you.

You took a bite and really liked it. Much better than plain fruit in the morning.

(Yn): It's really good. You said as you took another bite.

Darri: You haven't had it before? It's one of the most popular cereals here in Japan. She said with a surprised look.

(Yn): You could say I didn't exactly grow up with the most wealthy family. I never had much money. You said as you ate a bite.

Darri: Really. What did your parents do? She asked as she was interested to know.

(Yn): My father worked with scientists, but he didn't exactly care about us very much. Like, imagine if our income was a plate of food, my mother and I would get the scraps after dinner. You said as you took a bite.

Darri: That's horrible. She said with a shocked look.

(Yn): Yeah, not exactly the best lifestyle, but that's why I chose this path. To make a better life for myself and others like that. You said as you remembered your promise.

Darri: Well, I'm sure that you'll become a great hero. She said with a smile.

(Yn): Thanks, Darri. You said as you finished your cereal.

Darri took your bowl to the kitchen and put it in the sink. She then came back into the dining room to see you leaving back to your room.

Darri: You'd better hurry though. School starts in about an hour. She said as she picked up her bag.

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