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"He's was serving a life sentence for a string of brutal rapes and murders in 2009

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"He's was serving a life sentence for a string of brutal rapes and murders in 2009." Liliana removed her arm from Nick and moved back to the chair. She sat there with a look of disgust at what that Mutt had done.

"Marsten and Cain are purposely converting psychos into werewolves." "That doesn't track. Cain's not smart enough to make his own pack, and Marsten's the ultimate loner." She patted her knees and stood up but stayed near the chair.

"Maybe he was, but he's not working alone anymore." "Can I kill them now?" Liliana pleaded as she stared into Jeremy's eyes which were looking at her. "No, as I said we need them alive."

"Marsten was talking about using a warehouse, which means they've probably got an operation going." She let out a frustrated sigh and stormed past them but turned.

"Call me when I can kill them." She said directly to Jeremy who ignored her and listen to Clay. She rolled her eyes and stomped up the steps and to her room where she slammed the door.

It was two minutes later that a hard knock was heard. She slowly made her way from her seated position on her bed. She opened the door and came face to face with Jeremy.

"Wow, now you know how to knock. Do dogs have to be told how things work?" Jeremy disregarded her words and crossed his arms to his chest. "We are going to where Elena and Clay were."

She turned her back to him and slipped her shoes back on. "Let's go." She mumbled as she closed the door behind her. She stopped short and put a hand on his arm which made him look at her.

"If I see the Mutt who did this you will not get in my way. I want you to promise me." Jeremy lowered his eyes to her hand then back to her eyes. "I promise." He said just above a whisper as she removed her hand.

They pulled up to the motel that had previously been searched. They were across from the motel at the office and she stood next to Nick. "We'll go in quietly. Clay, you, and Elena go through the front door while Nick and Liliana, and I will go through the adjoining room."

"And if the Mutts are here?" Elena asked as she looked over to Jeremy. "We kill them." "We take them alive." Jeremy and Liliana said in unison causing her to scoff. "We'll try. We'll try hard."

Liliana smiled at Clay as he was on the same page as her. Clay gave her a slight pat on her shoulder before she followed Nick. Clay and Elena took the right side as they took the left.

She stood close behind Nick as they slowly reached the door. She watched as Nick turned the nob to the door beside. Jeremy moved back to let her get through after Nick.

She looked around the room and it was decently clean. She was happy because it meant no Mutt had been in that room. "Well, that's weird?" She muttered to herself seeing that the wall looked like a forest.

Jeremy reached for the nob but they soon heard a gunshot. She jumped back causing Nick to grabbed her arm and pull her closer. They soon all rushed into the room to see Clay and Elena were okay.

"You okay?" "Yeah." She reached over the chair and slightly patted Clay's shoulder. He gave her a soft nod and she turned back to Jeremy.

"The whole town must have heard that." "Great an angry mob." She said in a joking manner which made Jeremy roll his eyes at her. "We need to go."

Elena looked over to the small table. Liliana made her way over but she stopped by Jeremy's arm. He turned her and walked her toward the door. "It's Pete's."

He walked back over to Elena who handed him the finger. "I'm going to kill any Mutt that gets in my way." She told him as she glared at Jeremy.

She turned on her heel and stomped out of the room as Nick followed after. "If I have to find him on my own I will." Nick pulled her into his arms as she started to cry out.

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