Chapter II

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Foxy screeched when he got into the security office. He was still upset that Masagi left before he could give her his present. He wasn't mad at her for getting him shutdown. (Flashback) It was Masagi's 16th birthday party and Foxy was singing "Drunken Sailor." Suddenly, two men came over to her and tried to take her away. So Foxy did the only thing he could, he bit them. One of them died and the other had to go to the hospital. That was the last he saw of Masagi and her friends.(end flashback) Foxy sighed as Chica walked over and gave him a shoulder rub. "Foxy, it's been a couple of weeks now. Masagi probaly....." she was cut out by a loud screech in his head. Foxy screamed loudly. Chica covered her ears as Freddy, Bonnie, and Golden Freddy came running in. "What's wrong Foxy?" Bonnie asked her voice giving off that she was scared. Foxy heard the voice in his head and it sounded familiar. "Help me please!" it shouted. "Freddy do something!" Chica squaked. "What's wrong Foxy? Tell us so we can help you" Golden Freddy said. "There's a-a voice in me head!" Foxy screamed. All the sudden, it stopped. Foxy sighed in relief, but when he looked around he didn't see the others. As soon as he blinked he saw 8 lights turn on. Under the light was an animatronic. There were 2 hunans though. A 9th turned on and Foxy gasped. Under the stood a fox.... a vixen to be exact. She was the color he was but had diffrent markings, dark green hair and a bushy tail. Foxy walked over to her. He thought she was about 5'6" or 5'7" since she was only a little shorter than his 5'10" height. Before he could reach her, he saw a blue cat activate. She had orange hair and dark sea blue eyes. His golden eyes widened when she spoke. She said with a distorted voice "We SHaLl RetUrn OnE daY!" Then........ it vanished.

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