Chapter 11 part 2

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Masagi's P.O.V
I watched as the 5 other animatronics watched me. There were two bears, one a dark brown and the other a bright gold, a chicken with purple eyes and it was glaring at me, a purple bunny with bloody red eyes, and was hiding behind the golden bear. Then there was another fox. I could tell it was a male, he didn't have female parts like the chicken and bunny (A/N: Bonnie is a girl in this story.) He was crimson like me, maybe a little darker or dirty I couldn't tell. He had brown tattered shorts that stopped just above his bare metal legs. He had a torn chest, and black eyepatch, a shining silver hook, and a broken jaw I think. 'Sure as hell looks like it is' my mind giggled. But... there was something about his eyes. The bright sunny yellow color seemed familiar to me, like I've seen them before. I shook my head and prepared to speak, or defend myself if I have to.
Freddy's P.O.V
"Great there's two foxes now" I muttered to my friends as the crimson colored vixen stumbled her way out of the security office. Foxy glared at me, but I brushed his pathetic stare off. "Do you think she killed the gaurd?" Bonnie asked, her timid voice barely auditable. "Of course she did Bonnie! Foxy and I found her next to the gaurd's dead body!" Chica said, in her annoyingly loud, squeaky, chicken voice. God I hated her voice, just as much as I hated her cooking. 'Now brother... she isn't..... that bad' Golden Freddy tried to reason with me telepathically. I shot him a glare saying 'yes, it is' and he sighed softly. "Aye, the chicken be right" Foxy said, his gaze turned towards the other fox. "T-thanks F-Foxy" Chica said, her obvious crush on the broken fox showing. "S-she looks hurt.." Bonnie whispered. Chica rolled her eyes and said loudly, "Well duh Bonnie. Of course she is. I had to or she would of hurt Foxy." I turned to look at her. She seemed fine, until I saw her using a cane and keeping pressure of her left foot. I saw she had a make-shift bandage wrapped around it and her face looked like she was in pain.
Foxy's P.O.V
I saw what Chica had done to the little lassie. When I saw her last night, she looked scared. She looked like she was confused and she didn't know what was going on. "Chica, ye didn't need t'do that lass. I can protect meself" I said, looking at the chicken. "Look at her. She looks pathetic! Are you feeling sympathy for her?!?!" She squealed loudly. We all turned to look at the other fox when we heard a low growl. Her tail was swaying slowly as she continued to keep her stance. I could see the oil slowly soaking her bandage, the same spot where Chica had throw the piece of metal into her foot. "I feel bad for the little lassie. She looks scared and confused" I mumbled as I looked at the floor. I heard a small whine and looked up. I could tell no one else heard, they were bickering over what we should do with her. Seeing this as a chance to find some answers I walked over to the younger animatronic.
Masagi's P.O.V
I saw the torn up fox walk towards me. "S-stay back. I-I'm warning you" I whispered softly. I knew I couldn't do anything if he continued to get closer, which he was. He stopped when he was right in front of me. "Who... are ye?" he asked. 'He's trying to gain my trust... should I?' my mind pondered to itself. "My name is Masagi the fox, I guess" I said, assuming I should add 'the fox' as the ending. "Me name be Foxy. Pleasure to meet ye" Foxy said. I nodded in agreement. There was an awkward silence, until the chicken on stage noticed Foxy was by me. "FOXY!! GET AWAY FROM HER, SHE'S DANGEROUS!" she screamed. Foxy glared at her and said "And I'm not?" He smirked when he saw the chicken's shocked look. I just giggled to myself. I heard metal footsteps but continued my laughter. "That was a bad idea, Vixy (A/N: remember that name, it'll be important later on)" the chicken clucked at me as she picked me up by my throat. I growled loudly, but it was cut off by her squeezing my neck harder. I started to thrash around in her iron grip. Her eyes were glowing a light purple. I was scared that my life was about to end. I stopped thrashing and my eyes fell closed. "Chica quit, ye be killing her!" Foxy shouted. "That's........... plan she......... belong...." was all I heard from Chica. My breaths became short, until.... I felt it. The snap I felt to make me kill the gaurd, I felt it happen now while she was strangling me. My eyes turned the same black color, my servos locked and bunched up. My eyes shot open and I began to thrash and squirm twice as much. My claws scratched Chica's face and arms. Chica was obviously taken back by the sudden rage attack. She dropped me on the ground and I immediately crouched into the same position I was in the previous night. Remembering how everyone's servos would lock up at 6 o'clock, I quickly looked up at the clock. '4:12 a.m. I can finish this in time' my evil mind told me. I smirked and stalked towards the purple-eyed chicken. She was holding a bleeding spot just beside her beak. 'Human blood still stains my fur, and now her blood will as well' I chuckled in my mind. My smirk grew wider as I pounced on the stupid bird animatronic. I dug both sets of my claws into the gap between her shoulders. I smirked as she cried out in pain.

Cliffhanger time. Hope you all enjoyed this to part and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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