Chapter 1 - Xisuma is an Overwhelmed Derp

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A small crash could be heard as glass broke on the wooden floor as Hermits were rushing around the house, causing chaos for fun or actually trying to get themselves organized.

"Wait- NO STOP!" Xisumavoid desperately yelled as Tango ran away with a hammer to do who knows what.

Joe Hills was next to him, cleaning up the glass that someone had mistakenly knocked over in the mess.

"Thanks Joe, this was much more chaotic than I thought it would be." Xisuma said, dropping his shoulders and slumping over a bit in defeat.

"Well what did you expect? Twenty-something people in one house trying to get ready for a trip at the last minute?"

"Yeah, I should have thought this through better, I'm a derp." Xisuma sighed.

Joe just patted his shoulder as he walked past to dump the sweeper with glass in it to the trash can in the other room.

This had all started when X had invited the entire group over to his house to meet the bus, like a derp. They were all going on a school camping trip for a few days and X was the lucky person who got to be in charge of everything since he was class president. He figured meeting at his house would be easier than the school because no one would get confused with which bus it was, and no extra people would get on the bus, and it would all around be more organized..... right?

He was wrong.

Very wrong.

And as fighting was heard near the basement he told no one but Etho to enter, and someone had started up the TV even though the bus would be here any minute, X knew this camping trip was going to be well over his head.

"Ah Tango! You got the hammer!" Etho smiled through his mask.

"Yeah, what did you need it for exactly? I don't want to purposely break any of X's stuff if that's what you're planning."

"Oh no nothing like that." Etho started. He moved to the side to show a table with a water bottle and a tray of ice cubes. Tango still looked confused. "The ice cubes don't fit through the top of my water bottle so I need to break them so they do. From experience, hammers and paper towels work the best." Etho explained.

"Well that seems like a hassle. Did X even say you could be down here?"

"Yeah I asked him for the keys so I didn't have to lockpick it." Etho said casually, twirling the keys around his finger. "Figured the tables down here would be less dentable or breakable than the ones upstairs."

Tango shrugged off the lockpicking statement and pulled his water bottle from his backpack, making his way to the table.

"Mind if I add some ice to mine too?"

Etho waved his hand over and showed him how to break it without scattering the ice in every direction by putting the ice cube in a folded paper towel.

Stress, Gem, and False were already ready and didn't have to do any last minute organizing like the idiots around them, but also didn't feel like sitting outside with the other prepared hermits. Instead, they sat on the couch and talked about the flora and fauna they were excited to see, before False grabbed the remote control and turned the TV on.

A Chaotic Camping Trip! (Hermitcraft 8 Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now