Chapter 6 - Spooks and S'mores

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"Alright! Time for s'mores!"

It didn't matter who said it, because they were all thinking it. It only took a few minutes to have marshmallows and sticks passed to every 2 or 3 hermits since they didn't have one for everyone. A few hermits had extra marshmallows despite Xisuma swearing he counted them out correctly, but he shrugged it off. There was plenty extra in the bag anyway.

"Hey, we should tell scary stories!" Iskall offered slyly, getting a mix of reactions from everyone else.

"Ooh yes!" Cleo cheered, while Stress next to her looked way less enthusiastic.

"Are you sure about that?" Mumbo chuckled nervously.

"Oh don't be a chicken Mumbo!" Grian lightly punched him in the arm not so lightly.

"Coming from you!" He retaliated.

"What's a camping trip without scary stories?" Doc asked with his thick German accent.

"I'm down." Etho shrugged.

"It's just a story. I tell those all the time!" Joe reasoned to himself.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Pearl said.

"Alright," X said a little nervously. "I guess if everyone wants to...."

There were some quiet protests that were drowned out by the whooping and hollering of the hermits that were excited.

"-and she got bitten by the zombie, infecting the rest of the survivors in their bunker with no escape!" Cleo finished with an evil grin on her face.

For a quiet moment there was silence, hermits holding each other in fear as crickets sang in the background.

"Petition to never let Cleo tell another spooky story again?" Joe asked quietly, breaking the silence.


"Never again!"

"Yup yup yup!"

"I agree!"

Were all heard from the terrified crowd, as well as hands going up to agree and heads nodding.

"Y'all are babies." She laughed with a smug expression.

"Maybe someone with a less scary one should go?" Xisuma suggested.

"I might have one?" Mumbo offered, getting urged on to tell it from the others.

He told a grand story of a little potato growing up to be a superhero/knock off batman, with crystal laser explosions to stop bad guys in one swoop. A few people were slightly in awe of it, but the majority of the hermits were laughing and having fun with it instead. Someone offered the idea of a racehorse that was really a donkey and said they should make a movie of it later back at school.

Now that everyone had calmed down from Cleo's story and gotten a good laugh out of Mumbo's, Iskall offered to go, giving a sly glance to Jevin who took the hint.

"This story takes place in these very woods...." Iskall started, glancing at all of the hermits' faces before continuing.

A Chaotic Camping Trip! (Hermitcraft 8 Highschool AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن