Chapter 19

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The first nightmare arrived a few weeks later.

Everything had been fine. The witches weren't up to anything fishy. The wolves were doing much better, now properly settled into their human bodies. Even the vampires were keeping the violence to a minimum.

Elijah was overseeing a home renovation at Eisa's request, as she claimed that the house was not baby-proofed at all. Knowing she would never be willing to sit around barking orders at the repairmen, he got the task done himself, all while having meetings with Francesca Correa on the side.

Better for Eisa. Going to the Bayou was the highlight of each day (whenever she wasn't purchasing new outfit for herself and the baby, who would be born soon). Seeing Hayley in her element always managed to put her in a good mood.

Then, Mikael arrived.

She was in her room, and near the beginning, she thought it was all real. Hayley had come through the door, holding a tray of cookies. Eisa had stood, ready to accept it, when Hayley let out a gasp, a stake through her heart sending her and the tray crashing to the ground. Behind her, Mikael stood, triumphant and with blood over his lips.

Eisa stumbled back, trying to get to the bathroom to find a weapon— her hair dryer would have to do. She swung it at him, ready to hit him in the face, but he was faster, and caught her arm, snapping it in half before tossing her into her shower, her head smashing into the tiles.

"Thought you could settle down?" he sneered, standing over her. "The filthy, twisted wench, fancying herself with a girlfriend and a stepdaughter? Promoting the existence of a child born to an abomination of a brother and a wolf? You have never stooped this low, Eisa. And I have never been more ashamed of you."

She awoke sweating, clutching her own chest, thinking he'd killed her. When she realized it was just a dream, she relaxed, leaning back into the headrest and sighing several times to get her heart rate under control.

"He's not here," she told herself, checking the time and seeing it was already time for her to get up. "He's not here..."

Her phone started to ring, and she picked up, seeing Davina was the one who was calling. "What do you need?" Eisa asked, stifling a yawn.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was just getting up."

"I need a favor. Your daylight spell worked, but Marcel and I talked— I promise, I went to his place in Algiers, he's not in the Quarter— and he suggested I learn a few more spells to help protect myself in case the Coven tries anything."

"Smart idea. I hope you are not asking me to be your teacher."

"No, no, I was wondering... do you think I could borrow your mother's grimoire? Just for a day or two, so I can look through the spells, pick a few I like, and copy them over onto my notebook so I can learn it in my own time."

"Alright. I'll take it to you later."

"Thanks! By the way, I just saw Hayley headed to the Compound, and she's alone. Might want to check on that?"

Eisa hung up the call so quickly, she imagined Davina probably wondered if her message even went through. She sped down to the main entrance, finding Hayley was walking right up.

"What are you doing?" said Eisa, covering her mouth since she hadn't brushed her teeth yet. "Are you alright?"

"I need to speak to your brother," said Hayley, walking past her and looking mildly annoyed.

Eisa sped back to her room, freshening up as fast as she could, just in time to get to the library, where Hayley found Klaus reading. "Why would you hide the fact you made an alliance with the wolves?" Hayley demanded.

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