Final Author's Note

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I didn't realize I was writing the last chapter until I was halfway through it, and my first thought was 'Oh no! I didn't tell everyone it was gonna be the last chapter!' Sorry about that, y'all.

Did this story have the ending I expected it to? To be honest, no. I brainstormed so many different options. One, Hayley would die trying to defeat The Hollow, and Eisa would die too, to finish the job. Two, Hayley would die in Season 5 and Eisa would take The Hollow into herself and die to be reunited with her. Three, The Hollow would be split into Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, and Eisa (to allow Klaus to be with Hope), and Eisa would grow very depressed and desiccate until they found a way to defeat The Hollow. There were a few other ideas that feel a little brutal to share. Apologies that it was all rushed to this.

The point is, this story is over, and I will miss it. I'm glad I was able to get Eisa and Hayley their happy ending. I really really did love Eisa as an OC, and I hope you enjoyed her as much as I did.

You have likely already seen that I have a new story out (Tainted - Finn Mikaelson x OC) and I encourage you to read it if you're interested or bored or like Finn or like my writing. Or don't, you know, I can't make you. I'm just liking it so far.

Thank you for sticking through with this story. It's been an honor, and, if all goes well, this story's ending will mark the halfway point of completed TVDU stories from me (aka, Hellfire is my fifth TVDU story, and I intend to write 10 total, but potentially less or more depending on how college goes).

I wish you all well. :)

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

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