In Love With An Alien? - A Place To Hide

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Chapter 3 - A Place To Hide

I watched helplessly as the men in uniforms marched up and down, how had they known so soon I wondered, I couldn’t stop looking at the storage room, my whole body was shaking fiercely, all they had o do was open the door and there he would be clearly exposed.

“I can’t believe aliens are real and that one landed in our backyard.” My sister squealed beside me.

“Shut up.” I screamed at her.

She was shocked by my outburst, normally she would yell back, but she was trying to make up with me since I had caught her a couple of hours ago having sex with my boyfriend…….urgh ex…. ex-boyfriend.

“They can’t do this, I mean this is our land, they have to ask our permission before trespass on our land.” I yelled angrily, a couple of soldiers walking close by carrying rifles turned to look at me, they didn’t say anything, they just shrugged and continued with where they were going.

“Excuse me ladies.” A male voice came from behind us.

My sister and I turned, we saw seven men in black suits, the one talking to us was a middle aged man, he had dirty blond hair and a muscular body, which suggested he could handle himself if the need be, it only frightened me, Angel (my mysterious alien) couldn’t take him down especially in his condition.

“My name is Steven Cruz; we would like to talk to you.” He spoke softly eyeballing me.

It made me nervous, it was like he was staring at my soul and could read my mind, I fidgeted nervously, there was no way he could know I was hiding an alien in our storage room that was ridiculous.

“About the alien that crushed into our backyard.” My sister burst out excitedly.

I nearly stepped on her foot but restrained myself because of the black suits before us.

“Can we come in.” the man who had introduced himself as Steven Cruz asked.

“Wait a minute first of all you have to show us your badges and explained to us why….” I waved my hands at the soldiers running about. “All these men are on our land without our permission.”

“Reese.” My sister hissed at me. I turned around and gave her a look that said shut-up-or-I-will-make-you-shut-up-bitch.

“Miss Dance this is a matter of national security which is why we have trespassed without prior warning but I do have a warrant and if you allow us to come in we will explain everything to you.” He explained.

“Sure come in.” my sister invited them in.

I on the other hand hesitated, taking one last look at the storage room, god please don’t let them find him I begged, then I followed them inside, they settled in our living room like they owned the place.

“Coffee….tea.” my sister asked the men.

I rolled my eyes all I wanted was for them to be far away from this place as possible, three of them shook their head but Steven and three others accepted the offer, my sister went to the kitchen and seconds later I heard spoons and mugs clicking together loudly.

“Miss dance.” Steven Cruz spoke.

“Yes.” I answered watching him watching me in an unnerving way.

“First of all whatever that landed in your backyard, we are not sure it’s an alien or anything extraterrestrial like the media are saying, what we know for sure is three hours ago something traveling with the speed of light crashed in this area and its our duty to investigate.”

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