In Love With An Alien - Its Over

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Chapter 16 – It’s Over

“What the hell was that?” I spat at her dangerously.

“That would be the flu virus….happy death.” She laughed, I leaned forward towards her ready to rip her throat out but she pointed a gun at me. “I don’t want you to have a quick death but a slow one Reese.” She said backing out of the room slowly with the gun still trained to my head.

After she left I sneezed again and again. “Oh god I was infected.” I sat on the ground staring at the spot where I had been injected with the flu, something was telling me I needed to get up and get some help but I was too emotionally paralyzed by the whole thing to think clearly.

It was Xavier who found me minutes later. “Reese what the hell…..I’ve been looking for you we have to go.” He voice was full of urgency.

I looked up at him with teary eyes. “She injected me…..with the virus.” I hiccupped, saying it made me realize that indeed I was infected; I felt a storm of panic gathering up in me, that stupid bitch had doomed me. I’m going to die! I wouldn’t get to see rogue and I develop our love, instead I was going to leave him behind. My heart squeezed painfully as the thought of him with another woman filled my brain. No this couldn’t happen to me!

“What!” Xavier exclaimed and sat down beside me grabbing my arm to inspect it and then he turned away to his left. Curious I looked over to the spot he had tuned to and saw a silver suitcase with twenty needles filled with a blue liquid substance.

“What is that?” I asked half heartedly.

“The antidote.” He replied and injected me with the substance.

I gasped, “How do you have an antidote, I thought Violet destroyed the all.”I exclaimed.

“After he made the first batch one of Steven’s men took it from him, we were waiting for the next batch when you decided to go and check on him…don’t worry Reese you’ll be ok.” He pinched my cheeks playfully.

I sighed, it was like a bus had been lifted from on top of me, “Xavier we need more antidotes than what you have in your suitcase and David is dead, how are we going to get more.” I asked, I can’t believe we came close to ending this all and stupid psychotic violet came and ruined it all. There must be something wrong with het, why would she want everyone to die so she could be famous in her time!

“I’m sure once your dad takes a look at the these samples he can reproduce them….so I think we’re still safe.”

I smiled, looks like violet plan had backfired, even though David Hannigan was dead all hope wasn’t lost. Wait what if realized violet realized this and came back to kill us or went after my dad to kill him too. I sat up immediately.

“Xavier we have to go right now!” I bellowed and dashed out of the lab.

“What is happening now?” He called after me.

“I think violet may go after my dad.” I shouted back.

“Reese wait…. We killed violet a couple of minutes ago” he shouted.

I stopped and turned around, “what!!......when did this happen?” I asked frantically, didn’t she just leave here seconds ago or had spaced out?

“I think it was after she left here, she was trying to shoot on of Steven’s men and they shot her instead, they are searching for her body right now in the ranch but with the way she was bleeding they don’t think she’ll make it.” Xavier explained.

Until they find her body I wouldn’t believe she was dead, besides violet had other accomplishes who I’m sure would want to revenge her death, so I still needed to go home and make sure that everyone I loved was ok especially rogue.

“We need to go now.” I insisted.

Rogue’s POV

After they arrested the black angel, he sent them to a hotel where they found 10 other men carrying silver suitcases full of the virus, one look at Steven’s deadly face and they were more than willing to spill the beans.

The next three hours was a blur for rogue, they stormed into sixteen warehouses which were producing the virus and the vice president of Pinerose was arrested as the brain behind the whole doomsdays showdown.

It was unbelievable, rogue didn’t think it would all end so quickly and easily, he didn’t think they were going to succeed in their first attempt to stop Pinerose but they had and it was all over.

And now he had to leave Reese behind, he had been ignoring it, pretending it wasn’t going to come down to this, he told himself even if it came down to it he would have a solution to fix all this so they would have a happy ending but frankly he had no clue on what to do so he could stay with Reese.

He just couldn’t stay because his orders were clear and besides he didn’t know what his staying could do to affect the future; this wasn’t his time and unfortunately where he was going Reese would be over seventy years old or dead.

“We are heading back to the cabin.” Steven announced. Rogue nodded. “What’s wrong  now? We just stopped doomsday shouldn’t you be excited.” Steven asked.

“I have to leave.” Rogue said simply looking down at his hands. Sadness clouded his heart; he had no choice but to leave.

“Why.” Steven asked, it was funny but rogue felt he had formed some weird sort of friendship with Steven on their short time together. He had to spend the next of the hour explaining to Steven why he needed to leave.

Reese’s POV

By the time we arrived at my house rogue was back and they had good news. It seemed everything had finally come to an end and happily.

“I think we should have a party.” Xavier announced, several of us agreed, after everything we had been through we deserved a break. I was busy in the kitchen making finger foods when rogue appeared in front of me.

“We need to talk.” He had this grim look on his face that made me feel uneasy.

“ok.” I said. “Is something wrong?” I asked.

“Reese I’m really sorry but Xavier and I will be leaving in an hour’s time and you can’t come with us.” Rogue said with a pained face, his voice also burned with regret.

                                                 To be continued……………..

Sorry for leaving you guys hanging once again, but my schedule doesn’t allow me to write as often as I used to and this should have been the last chapter but I just didn’t have enough time to write it all of it so I split it into two. I’m really sorry!! I’ll upload soon I promise!!


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