In Love With An Alien - Passion

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A/N so I guess I should warn you that this chapter contains events of a sexual nature, but no one is having sex just kissing too much. 

Chapter 4 – Passion

I had made my decision before I stepped into our cabin, no I wouldn’t give him up because unlike other people who never kept their promises, I would keep my promise to Angel and help him as much as I could.

“Thanks for nothing.” My mom muttered immediately she saw.

I was confused at first but I quickly remembered that I was supposed to help her prepare dinner, “Sorry mom.”

She just shook her head and mumbled something about kids, I quickly escaped upstairs with the intention of showering before another person noticed I was covered in blood; I was almost at the door when my sister called me.

“Hey Reese can we talk.” She asked.

 I just shrugged, if it weren’t for the fact that I was too busy with Angel, I would have given her a whooping for stealing my boyfriend. “What do you want to talk about?”

“About Brian and what happened earlier on.” She spoke softly giving me her puppy look.

If I hadn’t spent more than twenty years of my life with her I would have bought her façade, she wasn’t sorry or upset that she had stolen my boyfriend; the only reason why she was apologizing was because she was afraid I might tell our dad what she did.

“Sissy I’m so sorry for what I did, it’s just that I love Brian so much and he told me guys were almost over, if I knew you were still in love with him I wouldn’t have slept with him.” she begged.

Every part of me wanted to scream in her face and call her a liar, did she really expect me to buy that crap, so what if Brian and I were almost over did that give her the right to sleep with her own sister’s boyfriend hell no it didn’t.

“Enough already stop pretending, we both know why you’re begging you’re scared that I’m going to tell dad, but don’t worry I won’t because I don’t have the time or energy and if you want Brian you can keep him.” I yelled at her but not so loud that our parents would hear.

“Don’t be like that.” She begged now crying her fake tears.

If I stood there one more second to listen to her crap I would scratch her eyes out, so I spun and left.

Ten minutes later when I went back down stairs my family had already sat down to have dinner.

“Imagine something like that crashing into our backyard.” My dad said happily.

“I know and I can’t believe they are not going to let us leave this house, I mean I’m dying to tell everyone I know about it.” My sister added, I rolled my eyes, hard to believe she was tearing up in front of me a few minutes ago.

“Hi dad.” I greeted as I sat down.

“Hey pumpkin so what do you think about the alien that landed in our woods.” He asked staring at me through his glasses.

I shrugged and reached for some chicken, “I don’t know.” I said in a bored voice.

He didn’t say anything about my lack of interest but all through dinner I saw him staring at me through the corner of his eyes, I escaped outside after dinner before he bombarded me with questions.

This time I was very careful, even though I didn’t see any of Steven’s thugs around I decided to Becareful, Angel was my responsibility, and if I was going to protect him I had to be very careful, so I pretended as if I was going for a stroll in the woods but I doubled back and sneaked into the storage room.

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