In Love With An Alien - Black Angels

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Chapter 14 – Black Angels

There were 11 men sitting in a room waiting to be activated, once they had completed their mission they would be given four million dollars apiece.

At least that’s what he had been promised; they said he wouldn’t have to worry if he got infected in the process of releasing the virus because they had a cure ready and waiting.

At first He thought must be crazy to try and pull a stunt such as this, but four million dollars had quickly convinced him to side with them. He didn’t care if ten thousand people died; all he wanted was the cash they had promised him. With that amount of money he was willing to sell his soul into the devil.

“Martin you’ll be escorted to the Riverview hotel, where you’ll wait for further instructions, this suitcase……” the man speaking to him brought out a black suitcase and handed it to him. “…..contains the virus, when it’s time we’ll call you and give you instructions on how to use the contents in the suitcase understand.”

“sure.” Martin nodded taking the suit case been thrust into his hands, he had to admit he was a bit nervous but thinking about the money helped him to calm down.

Four more men arrived and they escorted him out of the building, he wasn’t sure what other ten men remaining would be asked to do but he assumed they were also there to help Pinerose make a lot of money.

“I was told to tell you there’s an entertainment package waiting for you in your room.” The man driving him announced.

He nodded, these people were in charge, what they wanted is what he would do. All he wanted in return was to be paid at the end of the day. The drive was a quick one because ten minutes later they had arrived. They booked a room for him and escorted him upstairs. In his room he noticed that the door could only be opened from the outside, which meant unless they wanted him to go out he was stuck in there.

Scanning his luxurious environment he quickly realized what they meant by entertainment, in the middle of the room, he found four naked women lying on his bed battering their eyelashes at him and whispering him for him to come closer.

A grin spread on his face, this was like heaven, now more than ever he was determined to do whatever Pinerose wanted even if it meant getting one billion people sick.


Reese’s POV

“oh you haven’t heard, you three really need to listen to news if you plan on eluding the cops, they announced yesterday that whoever finds any of you will be rewarded 500,000 so I can assure you everyone in this little town of ours is looking for you.” Dad said a bit upset.

“What!!! Which idiot did that?” I asked.

“That would be me.” Steven’s familiar voice enveloped the room; we all turned around and found ourselves surrounded by at least thirty armed men.

“Hello Reese…….welcome home.” He said with an evil grin.

My first reaction was to jump through the nearest window and escape Steven’s glare, he had this satisfied look on his face because he knew he had us cornered.

“gotcha.” He muttered smiling.

My dad was the first person to come out of shock. “Mr. Cruz perhaps you ought to listen to what these kids have to say.” My dad said at the same time stepping in front of me to shield me from Steven.

“There’s nothing that will come from their mouth that I would be interested in.” Steven spat at us.

“If you don’t listen to them lots of innocent people will die.” My dad insisted.

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