In Love With An Alien? - Betrayal

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Chapter 11 – Betrayal

I woke up with a throbbing headache and the sounds of muffled arguments, groaning I rolled off the bed and sat up wondering where I was. Then I saw violet and her six friends all talking with Rogue at the extreme end of the room, they also seemed to be arguing about something.

How was I going to tell Rogue what I knew, I mean I didn’t have any evidence and I wasn’t one hundred percent sure that Violet and her goons were the ones who had attacked us.

“Here take this.” A boy, with dirty blond hair appeared in front of me carrying a glass of water. “I’m Xavier” he added when he settled down in front of me.

“Who are you?” I asked, I knew all the new faces but this one was unfamiliar.

 “I’m with the pack; violets group, but we got separated when we arrived, I only just found them.” He explained, thrusting the glass of water into my hands.

“Oh.” I said, did that mean he wasn’t with Violet when they attacked us, no it didn’t matter these people were all dangerous and the only person I would allow myself to trust at this moment would be Rogue.

“Does your head hurt?” Xavier asked. I nodded; he really seemed to have a kind voice and face.

“I’ll get you something.” He said and went in the other direction, away from Rogue and Violet who were still arguing. Something was telling me I was digging myself deeper and deeper into trouble and I needed to get away from here as fast as I could. But I wouldn’t do that unless I warned Rogue about his new friends, he could chose to believe me or not believe me, I wouldn’t care at least I would have warned him about his pals.

My stomach groaned loudly reminding me that it had been a long time since I had eaten, I swung my legs over the bed and got up, I needed some time to think and something to eat before I passed out again. I would have told Rogue where I was going but I was afraid violet would shoot me again, so I sneaked out quietly.

The hall was empty, the only sounds that could be heard was the sounds my high heel made, I didn’t know why but I suddenly felt vulnerable walking by myself unprotected, my heart was pounding too fast because I was so nervous.

“This is ridiculous, what could possibly happen.” I laughed nervously.

“A lot.” Someone whispered and moments later a gun went off, and another. I was in so much of a shock that I didn’t know I had been shot until I saw the blood oozing down my shoulder.

I gasped as pain zinged down my body and collapsed on the cold hard floor, I tried to call out for Rogue but I choked on the blood circulating in my throat, my arm fell like it was being pulled out of it sockets as I lay there crying softly.  Black dots appeared over my eyes and I knew I was going to faint.

It must have been Violet or her goons who had shot me; they had probably seen me sneaking out and had taken the chance to finish me off once and for all. Stupid stupid, I scolded myself as darkness swallowed me.

The next time I woke up I was lying on Rogue’s lap and the pain in my shoulder had tripled, I screamed because I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Oh god Reese I’m so sorry.” Rogue leaned over me to say. “I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have left you alone.” He said his voice full of concern.

“If she had stayed in this room like the rest of us she wouldn’t have gone and gotten herself shot.” I heard Violet saying.

“YOU BITCH.”  I shouted throw my teeth. “YOU DID THIS TO ME.” I half cried and half shouted.

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