In Love With An Alien? - Questions

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A/N Angel’s real name is Rogue just thought I should tell you so you don’t get confused. 

Chapter 5 – Questions

Yellow eyes gleamed out of the dark at me, then I saw its body, my first reaction was relief, it wasn’t Angel after all. He hadn’t transformed into a beast. But as the tiger growled again I was quickly reminded that I wasn’t out of danger.

It jumped into the air ready to pounce on me, my hands instinctively flew over my face to shield myself from the tigers attack, seconds ticked by and I didn’t feel its enormous weight crashing me or its teeth sinking into my flesh.

Had it stopped, wasn’t it going to attack me, I asked with my eyes shut tightly, I opened them slowly, right in front of me was the tiger except it was frozen in mid air.

I stared into it yellow eyes and then examined the body, it looked ready to attack but some unknown force was holding it in the air, the tiger’s eyes followed me as I watched it.

“What the hell.” I swore.

Then as if on cue, the tiger’s body moved away from me and flew directly towards a tree, it fell onto the ground unmoving, I wasn’t sure whether it was dead or unconscious.

“Are you all right.” Someone spoke behind me.

I turned around and saw Angel standing behind me naked, “Did you do that.” I asked stepping forward towards him.

He didn’t answer he just shrugged and looked at me uncomfortably.

“Never mind come with me before someone sees you.” I said grabbing his hand and leading him back to the storage room.

Inside I handed him a clean sheet, “Here cover yourself and I’m going to get you some clothes.” I said nervously, seeing him naked all the time was probably the reason I was so infatuated with him.

“What’s your name.” he asked staring into my face with an expression I couldn’t read.

“Reese ….. What’s yours” I asked.

“Rogue.” He answered quietly. “Are you sick” he asked suddenly stepping forward to inspect me.

“No.” I said alarmed backing away slowly.

“Everything is all strange here the air, gravity.” He said looking around in confusion.

Poor Angel, it would probably take him a long time to adjust to our way of life I mused. “Hey its ok Angel… er Rogue.” I don’t think I would ever get used to calling him Rogue.

“I don’t understand it all.” He said in a sad voice.

“Don’t worry I promise I’m going to help you out ok” I pledged.

“So this is what you’ve been hiding.” My sister’s voice rang from behind us.

I gasped and turned around; she had this smug look on her face. “W-what do you want?” I asked her.

“So this is our mysterious Alien he looks very human.” she said staring at Rogue who was still naked.

“Alien?” Rogue asked confused looking at me.

I laughed nervously, “Are you saying Ang….. Er Rogue is an alien….. Because I can assure you he’s very human.” I lied nervously.

“Really?” she challenged me. “Fine then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I invited Steven and his army over would you sissy.” She challenged me and spun around.

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