In Love With An Alien - Confrontations

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Chapter 15 – confrontations

[Recap] “Reese…rogue we found David Hannigan.” He shouted, excitement radiating in his voice.

“What.” we both called out in unison.

We exchanged quick looks and sat up, still sore from the lovemaking I took my time in dressing up, I was almost at the door to invite Xavier in when rogue grabbed my hands.

“What.” I asked puzzled.

“You won’t forget me or what just happened right.”” He asked sadly staring deep into my face.

“wha- rogue what’s wrong now.” I asked with a frown.

“Just promise me that you’ll always remember this night.” He insisted.

“Yes of course, I love you and this is the first time we’ve been together, of course I won’t forget.” I assured him. Why was he talking as if he was going to die? A lump settled in my throat, was there something rogue was keeping from me.

Shaking my head I ignored my conflicting thoughts its must all be in my head, the minute I opened the door Xavier walked in.

“We found David Hannigan.” He repeated again almost bursting with excitement.

“How?” Rogue asked.

“It was dumb luck! Apparently one of Steven’s men attended some conference with David Hannigan and I overhead him telling Steven about it, he say he knows where he lives.” Xavier explained.

“Well that’s good news right? Now all we have to do is find him and let him develop the cure and then we can stop Pinerose.” I said.

“Yeah….except there’s a slight problem.” Xavier added

Rogue and I frowned.  “What is it now?” I asked.

“Well he lives in Texas.” Xavier blurted out.

“So?” I asked not understanding what the problem was.

“So the virus will be released in less than 36 hours, so that means one of has to stay behind, to guide Steven and his men in stopping doomsday, the rest of us will have to go and find David Hannigan ourselves…we have to split up.” Xavier added.

“oh.” I said. I didn’t like the idea of us splitting up, we needed to stay together.

“I’ll go with Steven; you guys can go and find David Hannigan.” Rogue said, I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head. “If we can’t stop it lots of people could be infected, I don’t want you in such danger, just go with Xavier and find David Hannigan.” Rogue insisted.

I wasn’t happy about it but I nodded in agreement, we all went downstairs to find Steven and explain the situation to him. He started to make the necessary arrangements for us to go to Texas accompanied by his men in case we tried to run.

“I’ll miss you.” I hugged rogue when it was time to go. I felt sad, it was as if would never see each other again after this. “You’ll be here when I come back right?” I asked.

He gave me a stiff nod; “you should go it’s getting late, the sooner you find him the better” he said to me and gave me a quick kiss, after that he turned to Xavier. “Watch out for violet.” He warned.

“sure.” Xavier promised.

After that we got into a car and drove to the airport. By 7 am we had arrived in Texas.

“I’m so glad Steven did not come with us, I can’t stand that arrogant pig.” I muttered out loud, instantaneously I received glares from the seven armed escorts Steven had provided us with. “If only looks could kill….sheesh.” I said but only to Xavier’s hearing.

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