In Love With An Alien - Escape

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Chapter 10 – Escape

Since I was locked in the back of the police car like some bad animal and couldn’t possibly escape, all I could do was torment myself with my thoughts. I could picture the triumph look on Steven’s face when he saw me again, he would be beside himself with joy, after which he would proabably kill me I thought bitterly.

 “Sean you there…..pick up Sean.” The voice came from the phone next to the police officer escorting me to prison.

“Yeah I’m here….what’s wrong.” The cop driving me asked after he picked up the phone.

“There’s been a change of plans, Mr. Cruz wants you to take the girl to the hospital where the boy is being taken, he wants both of them together at the same place.”

My heart bet quickened, what was Steven up to now, I needed to do something! I couldn’t just sit here idly and let Steven get his filthy hands on my poor defenseless Rogue; I had to come up with an escape plan.

“Did he say why?” The police officer asked.

“No he just said to bring the girl to the hospital.”

“Ok fine.” The officer said and hanged up. “Looks like we are going to the hospital to see your murderous boyfriend.” The officer spat at me.

I crossed my fingers desperately hoping that once we reached the hospital, I could escape with rogue, but he was hurt badly the last time I saw him and maybe if I tried to move him I might kill him. Damn it, how the hell did I get myself into this mess and most importantly how was I going to get myself out of it?

Fifteen minutes later we came to a halt in front of a small clinic, and I was escorted by the officer out of the car towards a secluded building. I was then led into a room, which had only a chair and a table. I couldn’t help but shiver, I felt like I was in a torture room about to be slaughtered, so this was the place Steven was going to kill me slowly, I thought bitterly.

“Mr. Cruz will arrive shortly.” The officer announced told me after he had handcuffed me to the table. After he walked out I placed my head on the table. If only I could call my dad he would have saved me from this grave I had dug for myself, But I doubt Steven would let me make a phone call.


“Do you know the kind of trouble you’re in?” Steven’s voice boomed in the room unexpectedly.

The mere sound of his voice made me stop breathing, oh god, oh god, please save me from him, I’ll do anything but please don’t let him kill me. I prayed as I heard his footsteps coming closer to the table I was handcuffed to.

“I’m talking to you Reese.” Steven hissed into my ear and grabbed a handful of my hair which he pulled painfully.

“Aaaarrrggghhh.” I screamed. “Please let me go.” I pleaded.

He laughed a cruel laugh, “Now why would I do that.”

“Because if you don’t I’ll break your neck, just like I did to the rest of your men.” Rogue’s cold voice rang in the room.

Like slow motion, we both turned around, I was so shocked to see him standing there when a few moments ago he had been bleeding to death.

“Rogue.” I cried looking at him; he was standing there straight as if he hadn’t been shot an hour ago.

“It’s ok Reese, he won’t hurt you.” Rogue assured me.

“So you are that thing that I’ve searching for.” Steven said unperturbed by Rogue’s threat of breaking his neck.

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