Chapter 3: Meetings And Letters

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You are sitting in your room, waiting and waiting for a certain letter to come
I looked out my window and saw an owl with a letter coming my way, I quickly opened my window to let the owl in and to my surprise it's from Lucius Malfoy.

Dear Y/n.
I am writing this letter in hopes that you have initiated the plan, and if it is working smoothly.. if anything goes wrong send me a letter, we'll be ready with a Plan B, if it comes to it. Sincerely
- Lucius Malfoy

After reading that letter I had realized I have only accomplished one part of the plan.. then I knew I had to move, and move fast.

Dear Lucius.
So far I've only got the girls attention, but I promise I will get the job done. I'll just need time, with reading your letter I have also thought of my next move, I'll let you know once I have done it. Sincerely
- Y/n L/n

I then sent the owl back with my response, and then... I had to make my next move..
Hermione POV
We're now at the meeting of the Order "how's it going Hermione?" Lupin asks "good, so far I've only got L/n's attention.." I replied "well you better think of your next move, and fast" Sirius says.. "I Will.."
"Hey Y/n!" I called out "oh hey Hermione!" They reply "Me, Harry, Ron, Ginny and the Weasley twins are going to Hogsmeade later" I said "oh! Great" Y/n replied "I was wondering.. if you wanted to tag along?" I asked "I'd be honored" they said "Great! Meet us at the three broomsticks later this afternoon" I said "sounds great" they replied as we both took our separate ways.
I'm now getting ready for Hogsmeade... honestly.. now that I come to think of it.. I realize how much I've missed out from being a deatheater.. I forgot how fun it is when you have friends...real..friends.... I forgot how good it feels to just be free once in
awhile... I'm now doubting being a deatheater.. but I can't change that anymore..
Enough with talking to myself I still have to meet Hermione, Harry, Ginny and The Weasley Twins at the three broomsticks.

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