Chapter 9: Love

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It is now the next morning, you woke up with Hermione cuddled up beside you. You smiled at her before slowly getting up, hoping you wont wake her. Thankfully you didnt!
I exited the tent only to see Mr. And Mrs. Weasley together with the Weasley brothers, Ginny and Harry, "ah! Y/n! Here.. some fresh clothes, after you change come back for some tea" Molly says as I happily took the fresh pair of clothes. And went to go change at the back of the tent.

( EXAMPLE )——————————————————————————After changing i went back to get some tea, "here dear

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After changing i went back to get some tea, "here dear.. do you mind waking Hermione up? And give her this" she says giving me another cup of tea. I honestly don't know how she got tea.. but i entered the tent only to see Hermione stirring awake. And within seconds she was up "morning beautiful" i flirted "morning.." she says still half asleep "you should wake up. Everyone is looking for you.. and Molly made you tea" i said handing it to her "thanks.." after awhile we got up ad out of the tent "Hermione dear! Here.. some fresh clothes" as Molly said that she happily took them and pecked my cheek before heading to the back of the tent. "Mrs. Weasley?" I called out "yes dear?" She responds "how did you get tea?...and fresh pairs of clothes?" I asked, as a smile grew on her face "its a secret. You'll know soon enough" she says heading back to the group as Hermione came up beside me.
"Hi love" she says then realizing she called me 'love' seconds later "i-I'm sorry it-it just slipped.." she says defending herself.
Hermione POV
I scolded myself for saying something uncalled for... "its fine.. don't be too hard on yourself, darling." Y/n says pulling me closer to the group, we all ended up talking about our past, Ron seemed annoyed of how Mrs. Weasley was talking about how he was when he was a baby.
"How about you Y/n?" Arthur asks "its.. know.. death eater stuff.." i said "oh.. well I'm sorry for every bringing that up..." he says "its fine.. its all good.." after that... it was silent until i decided to break it.
"um.. i don't want to be rude or anything but.. i heard about what happened to Sirius last year.. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.." i said "its fine really.. you had nothing to do with it.. its Lucius and Bellatrix.." Lupin reassured me, which reminded me.. "oh no.." i said getting everyones attention. "Lucius.. the note.. he told me Draco would be joining me in my so called 'Mission' or helping me At least. Meaning.."
Everyone is running around now in full panic.. what if they find out.. what if Draco gets threatened to kill someone..

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