Chapter 20

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The Bayou was a wreck when Hayley came back.

"I apologize," said Eisa quietly, handing Hayley a small piece of paper.

The wolf frowned. "What is this? What— what's Oliver doing?"

Eisa sighed. "The paper has the names of everyone who died."

"Died? But— but no one was dead when I left."

"There were several explosions after you'd gone. Not everyone was lucky. The paper also lists the ingredients for the herbal remedy I made to heal those who had more minor injuries. Oliver... well..."

"He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy," finished Elijah for her, adjusting his coat. "He's not alone. Your friend Jackson will need your help. They will want vengeance. Blood for blood. And, unfortunately, in troubled times, people do not look for the best. But rather the loudest."

Hayley had not really been paying attention to his words, as she'd been reading the names on the list, and suddenly gripped Eisa's arm. "Eve," she whispered.

Eisa nodded slowly. "Jackson's with her. Let's go, shall we?"

Hayley nodded, and the Original put her arm around her, leading her away from Oliver's shouting, and to the cabin where Eve's body lay. Hayley collapsed at her side, taking her hand and starting to cry.

The Original waited for her outside, listening. She could hear a conversation taking place between Hayley and Jackson, but she didn't internalize any of the words. They needed privacy to grieve.


Eisa sped back in, sensing something was wrong. She was able to catch Hayley before she could fall. It seemed she'd tried to stand, and her blood pressure had taken a turn, leaving her to almost crumple to the ground.

"Up you come," said Eisa, scooping Hayley up. "Let's get you to the Compound."

Jackson made to protest, but the Original would not hear it. The last thing Hayley needed was to be in the Bayou, surrounded by a reminder of death.

"You had me worried sick," said Eisa when she got to Hayley's room and set her on her bed, tucking her in. "I thought you'd gone off to get yourself killed. Where did you go?"

"I saw Marcel," she said quietly, laying on her side and caressing her belly, trying to calm herself down. "He knew my parents. He knew me when I was a baby. He took me to Father Kieran... spared me from the Crescent Curse. This wasn't him, Eisa. And I saw the look in his eyes when he mentioned what happened with the witches. He isn't even entirely sure about that. Someone else played a role in it, and that same person played a role in this."

"Shh." Eisa sat beside her. "You're getting anxious again. Breathe. Calm down. You can think of it again in the morning." She started to stroke her hair, watching Hayley rub circles over her own tummy.

Hayley closed her eyes, sighing in satisfaction. "Could you sing for me?"

Eisa blushed. "That was a one time thing."

"The baby... she likes the sound of your voice. I think it might calm her down."

The Original rolled her eyes. "Clever, saying it's for the baby."

Hayley giggled lightly. "You wouldn't do it otherwise. Please?"

"Oh, alright. But very quietly." She lay beside her, moving as close as she could. Hayley's belly was the only thing keeping them from making complete contact. She continued to stroke her hair, encouraging her to keep her eyes closed as she started to sing a different Nordic lullaby than last time. She let her foot hang off the bed, making it move gently, just enough to rock Hayley to sleep.

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