The Zurich Consulate

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After a tense, watchful, journey they arrived safely at their hotel in Zurich

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After a tense, watchful, journey they arrived safely at their hotel in Zurich. Jeong-hyeok, Seri and Yoon-he waited in their suite for Seri's parents to arrive too; they felt unable to relax until they did. As soon as her parents joined them, Seri apologised for putting them at risk. She had been so keen to have them at her wedding, she hadn't thought through the possible danger. Jeong-hyeok was relieved when they were understanding; he didn't want their view of him and their marriage to be damaged.

Her mother hugged her. "Yesterday was a wonderful day. I wouldn't have wanted to miss it."

Jeong-pyeong wanted to know if they'd heard from Director Kim, and Jeong-hyeok told him about the planned visit from the Swiss security service to provide advice.

"Good," said his father in law. "In the meantime I think we all need to eat something. Going hungry won't help anyone. We've got here safely, so let's not be too gloomy."

Seri smiled at her father. Perhaps he was right to be optimistic.

Unfortunately, their mood became rather gloomy again after the visit from Herr Gisler of the Swiss security service, later that afternoon. He advised them to stay in their rooms and not to go into the public areas of the hotel. He had established people to watch the building and, as yet, there was no sign of the North Koreans. He also made sure that their reservations at the hotel would not be disclosed. But, he made it clear that he didn't want to get involved in a personal dispute involving North Korea. In fact, he didn't look happy that they were in Switzerland at all. Jeong-hyeok was polite and thankful to him for his help and advice, but he was disappointed and felt they were all still at risk. For now there was little more he or anyone could do, other than wait until tomorrow when they must visit the consulate.

Before they left the hotel the next morning there were elaborate checks and discussions between their own security and that of the Swiss security liaison. As of yet, no sign of a North Korean team had been seen by either party at the hotel. They went cautiously down to the hotel car park, where the car was waiting for them, and set off. It was a journey they must make, but Jeong-hyeok worried that Kang's men would be monitoring the consulate, perhaps suspecting what they might try to do. The constant watching for trouble as they travelled seemed to build a persistent pain across his neck and shoulders that didn't disappear even when they arrived at the consulate without incident. On the other hand, Seri seemed to feel confident that now they had reached it their position would be better. Jeong-hyeok hoped she was right, but still felt apprehensive. The last time he had been in a South Korean government building he had been under arrest - he couldn't feel comfortable in an environment where he might be met with suspicion.

Seri went over to the reception desk to check in for her appointment. They were all given visitor passes and shown into a small office to the side. Soon, a young official joined them.

"So Ms Yoon, I understand you wish to register your marriage here in Switzerland with us?"

"Yes, that's correct. There is another matter as well though."

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