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Ace's POV:

"Has Roman said anything to you about dinner?" I asked Zeke at the dinner table.

"Yeah, he said he isn't going and he doesn't know if Helena accepted yet but apparently she won't." He replied.

"Why do he even want them to come anyways?" Luca asked. "You hated them last night."

"I never hated them. I just disliked them a lot." I answered nodding at myself.

"Yeah, but inviting them for dinner is a bit too far. Even for you." Zeke spoke.

I shrugged. "Yeah, but I want to get to know them."

Correction. You want to get to know Helena.

"Are you on drugs?" Luca asked worriedly.

"Fuck no." I told him.

Zeke snorted. "You seem like you are."

"She will come to dinner anyways." I shrugged.

Helena's POV:

"I will definitely not go to that dinner." I said cutting the potatoes.

"See that's exactly what I told him." Roman replied washing the dishes.

"They'll probably be there to go and kill us." Theo joked drying the plates.

Xavier laughed. "Yep, they are probably dying to kill us."

"Let's not talk about dying when I just watched Annabelle." River spoke sitting on a chair watching us make dinner.

"Why now? I mean they had nearly this entire year." I questioned.

"What if they found out something?" Xavier asked.

"Like what?" Roman asked.

"Erica and Tobias, maybe?" He suggested.

"I mean they are in a mafia so they did have easy access to the files." I said busy cutting the vegetables. No one replied to me so I turned around.

Roman, Theo and River looked at me with their jaws open and mouth wide.

"What?" I asked.

"They are in a fucking mafia?!" Roman shouted.


"You fucked up Helena." Xavier sang purposely saying my name wrong.

"It's not He-le-na. It's He-lay-na!" I told him for the 100th time today. He shrugged laughing.

"They are DEFINITELY going to kill us now!" River shouted.

"Well no shit! They kill people for a bloody LIVING!" Theo yelled.

"Relax guys! They aren't going to kill us. They aren't going to go that far." I reassured them.

"Then let's go. If they don't kill us, we'll pay you. If they do, you give us money." Theo betted.

"But we're dead, we can't get anything." Roman said.

He shrugged. "Then save me the coolest spot in hell."

"That's a shit deal. Offer something better." Xavier told him.

"Okay deal!" I accepted.

"WHAT NO!" The rest screamed.

"Too late. The deal has been sealed. We are going to that dinner tomorrow."

Everyone around me groaned.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now