TNBS: Chapter Recap with SPECIAL GUEST!

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Kohana: *enters the set* All right... Let's prepare ourselves. You ready for this, Aries?

Aries: Yup, I'm ready when you are, Kohana.


Melody: All right, all right! We're bringing in a special guest for you to introduce, Kohana and Aries!

Kohana: Really? Who is it? *looks to the right* *gasps* Oh, my gosh!

*Amira walks in on the set*

Amira: Hello, Kohana Mai and Ember Aries!

Kohana: Ms. Amira Undine! Ah! It's so good to finally meet you!

Amira: Same goes to you, Kohana. I'm so happy to be in the Shining Crystal Studios' biggest set!

Kohana: How are things over on your end, Amira?

Amira: It's doing well. Since the author's making this story project a good one for her, she'll be working on it for a while to keep her ideas running for this one series.

Melody: *sits down on Director's chair* All right, girls! Get yourselves together! This is going to be a shoot for a special chapter recap before Season Three (Book 2) is out with Chapters 36 and 37! You know what to do next, Kohana ans Aries!

Kohana: *salutes* Yes, Director Melody!

Aries: You got it, Director Melody. You can count on us.

Melody: *looks over the shoulder* Oh, and Amira. *turns to Amira* I think we have some guests who will be cheering you on.

Amira: Huh? *looks off-set*


*Cast Members from the "Travelers of Hidden Royalty & Long Lost History" set*

Miyu: Hey, Amira!

Bivette: You got this girl!

Mariel: Good luck, Amira! You're going to do great!


Amira: Hey, girls! Wish me good luck!

Kohana: Okay, Director Melody! We're good to go!

Aries: Same here, let's get this started!

Melody: All right, Amira hide yourself behind the booth while Kohana and Aries do their intro. Once they call out "we have a very special guest", you'll jump up from your hiding spot and say whatever line you have in mind that you want to say, got it?

Amira: *nods* You got it, Director Melody!

Melody: Now, then... Let's get this started! Everyone, take your positions and get it all done for the taking!


Melody: Shining Crystal Studios crew, prepare yourselves! Lights, Camera --

*Clapperboard Snap!*

Melody: ACTION!


Kohana: Hello, there fellow readers! It has been a while since we last saw each other, don't you think Aries?

Aries: Hmm... It certainly feels like it's been a while.

Aries: But it still feels like I am still here and never left this studio for a break.

Kohana: *chuckles* You could say that again, Aries. Anyways -- welcome back to another segment of "The New B-Shot: Chapter Recap" with yours truly, Kohana Mai!

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