Chapter 47: Hidden From View

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~ In "The New B-Shot" Studio Set, Shining Crystal Studios

Melody: *enters the studio set; knowing she's been on a hiatus for 2 months* All right, everyone! Let's get back to work!

Kohana: Director Melody, welcome back! How have you been? *approaches Melody*

Melody: Why, hello there Kohana. I've been well, thank you. I'm sorry I wasn't around for the past two months. The Author has been working really hard on this story and how she wanted to end the third season with a good conclusion and everything, so over the course of 2 months, she's been working on other projects while keeping this project, The New B-Shot project, will continue.

Aries: Yeah, we were wondering where'd you went. Of course, Director Ominous and Miss Misty stayed within the Studio to hold the fort down while you and the Author were gone, during those two months. But at least, you're back, Director Melody.

Melody: *sighs in relief* You bet...! *stretches arms* My directing skills are a bit rusty, but let's get this started. Are you ready?

Kohana: Yeah! We're ready to go, Director Melody!

Aries: I'm with you on this one, Kohana. Let's get this started!

Melody: All right! Everyone, to their places!

*everyone gets to their places and prepares for the shoot in "The New B-Shot" Studio Set*

Melody: *takes a seat in the director's chair*

Ominous: *walks inside the studio set and approaches Melody* Hey, sis! Welcome back, here's some bubble tea for you.

Melody: Oh! Hey, there Ominous, and thanks for the bubble tea. I'm sorry for the 2-month hiatus. Thanks for holding down the fort for me with Misty.

Ominous: No worries, sis. I know you and the Author have been working on other projects to make this Shining Crystal Studio thrive with so much more. Besides, we've been working on some stuff for this series and minor stuff has been changed and added for this studio set.

Melody: Thanks, Ominous. I knew that my younger sisters could seriously hold down the fort. All right, all right! Is everybody ready?

The Crew: Yeah!

Kohana: We're ready over here, too!

Melody: Lights! Camera! And... Action!


Kohana: Hello, hello, fellow readers! After two months of our Lead Director being on a long-hiatus, we are back in the scene, once again! Me and Aries would like to thank Assistant Director Ominous and Miss Misty for holding down the fort within the Shining Crystal Studios and making everything possible for all of the studio sets within the entire studio!

Aries: We couldn't thank them for their help. And we welcome you to "The New B-Shot: Chapter Recap," where we recap the events that took place in the previous chapter, so you don't have to!

Kohana: And we are your hosts, Kohana Mai, the primary protagonist of "The New B-Shot" series, and this here is my B-Daman partner–

Aries: Ember Aries, the best of the best!

Kohana: And we don't have much time for more introductions! Let's get straight into this Chapter Recap, Aries!

Aries: Yeah, let's get to it, Kohana!


Kohana: We begin Chapter 46 entitled "Step into the Ancient Ruins", we see our group standing in front of the entrance to some ancient ruins, outside of North City. The B-Daman were able to sense some of the leftover traces from Smash Dragold as they are about to travel the same ruins that they have traveled in the past. If you've watched the original show, then you know what happens next.

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