Chapter 43: Forgotten Once, Forever Remembered

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~ In "The New B-Shot" Set, Shining Crystal Studios

Kohana: Hello, fellow readers and dear viewers of Wattpad, and welcome to another "Chapter Recap," and this time... We are given a challenge from Directors Melody and Ominous to give you guys the rundown of what happened in Chapter 42...

Kohana: So here we go! Chapter Recap: Speed Round!

Aries: You can do it, Kohana!

Kohana: You bet I will, Aries!


Kohana: At the start of the chapter, we start in Sauzu Village A.K.A Alba's home. While patrolling the village at night, Alba and Diles encounter a "shadow figure" flying in the air and heading to the jungle.

Kohana: It is later revealed to be Elvire the Owl Mystic, who I met in the past with Samuru-kun when we were kids. After catching up to Elvire, Alba asks questions about her business in the jungle, near his village.

Kohana: Elvire answered that she's finding a particular location of ancient ruins as she is tasked with finding the first piece of a "Reversion Spell," a spell that can be used to revert powerful forms of any magic back to its original state.

Kohana: Alba agreed to help and guided Elvire through the jungle to find the ruins she's looking for. After looking around and going in different directions, the two arrived at the ancient ruins and Elvire thanked Alba before he suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye. However, she wasn't doing the mission on her own; instead, she brought Viveria, Ashy-Mist, and Pawline with her to help and find the first piece of the spell incantation.

Aries: You are at a good pace, Kohana, you can do it!

Kohana: Once Elvire and Team Mystic entered the ancient ruins, the chapter cuts through a timeskip into the story, where Alba meets up with Samuru-kun to discuss Alba's encounter with Elvire for the very first time. After learning that she's finding a piece of a "Reversion Spell" incantation, I said that there are so many reversion spells that exists in many other legends, but Alba added that this Reversion Spell is special because it can revert powerful forms back to its original state, including those identities that have been changed through the magical energy.

Kohana: With my curiosity to learn more about the reversion spell, Samuru-kun immediately reminded me to not overwork myself on research, like what I did after learning about Akira-chan's condition from that time.

Aries: I hope she's okay... Haven't heard her talk about her sudden headaches anymore...

Kohana: Well, that's true... and we haven't seen Akira-chan either... But still, Samuru-kun didn't want to worry and I definitely don't want to worry him even more.

Aries: Alba even mentions that you and Samuru are the perfect match. With the Angel Goddess of Fire and the B-Shot with the White Dragon B-Daman.

Kohana; Continuing on, after that meeting, Alba decided to go and find Riki-kun and the others to hang out with, while me and Samuru-kun spent some time together. However, there was one other person who was in need of company -- Novu Moru.

Kohana: Novu has been calling Kirika all day, to check and know what she's up to, but has yet to respond to any of his calls. Dragren reassures him that she's busy making new clothes, but Novu wantee to doubt it. Then, Dragren noticed this B-Shot partner has been more caring towards Kirika.

Aries: Well that was because he moved on from the crush he had on you that you didn't even know about in the first place.

Kohana: That's true and with that being said, we cut to Viveria and Team Mystic, and Elvire, trying to get through ancient ruins and avoiding the flying arrows that were flying out of the walls and the ceiling, to which Viveria slightly complains over. After figuring out a way to stop the arrows from flying out of the walls and the ceiling, Elvire and Team Mystic destroyed the machines through the walls. Once the machines were destroyed, a door in the wall opened up and through it, there was another part of the ancient ruins with the central decoration being the first piece of the Reversion Spell incantation.

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