Chapter 48: Diamond of Hurricanes

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~ Location: "The New B-Shot" Set, Crystal Shining Studios

Kohana: *walks into the camera frame, holding Ember Aries* Okay, am I looking good on the camera, Director Melody?

Melody: Yup, you're very good looking on the camera right now, Kohana and Aries. You guys look great! But the question is, are you two ready for the shoot?

Kohana: Yes, we are, Director Melody!

Aries: We'll give it everything we've got for this segment! We won't disappoint you!

Melody: Good! Okay, everyone! Get to your stations–lights! Camera! And... Action!


Kohana: Hello, there fellow readers! This is your Angel Goddess of Fire–*snaps fingers and transforms into Blazing Ruby* Kohana Mai, standing right before you! *transforms back* And I'm also joined by my loyal partner–*shows Aries*

Aries: Ember Aries, ready and good to go!

Kohana: And welcome back to another segment of "The New B-Shot: Chapter Recap"! Now... It has been a WHILE since the previous chapter was published for you guys to read.

Aries: Well, it's basically a month since the last chapter was published, but it has been a while so yeah...

Kohana: The thing is, the Author has been writing a lot of other stories and fixing a bunch of other concepts for new stories to come to light and actually be shown to you guys, so I hope you guys have been waiting patiently for this next chapter to come out.

Aries: And yes, we know that the Author may or may not have forgotten about the series, but she has been so busy with a lot of other things, she hasn't forgotten about us! It's a miracle that she has been working on this entire series for so long! And she's not even close to finishing it just yet!

Kohana: So let's not waste this effort on the Author and get right on into the Chapter Recap ahead for Chapter 47: Hidden from View!

Aries: Let's go, go go!


Kohana: Chapter 47 begins with Basara and Ryan Tsunotsuki walking through the dark tunnels of the ancient ruins, where the Mystics are currently roaming through. Ryan asks why they were in the ruins, in the first place...

Aries: With Drazeros correcting Ryan's question, Basara just replied that he had his suspicions on the late owl college woman he and Drazeros encountered earlier.

Kohana: That late owl college human he's referring to is Elizabeth Cindra. They continue to walk through the tunnels, hoping they would find the Mystics in there but who knows... they might encounter someone else with them in those ancient ruins...

Aries: After that, we cut to where Viveria and the rest of the Mystics are located. But as they were traversing through the tunnels, with Viveria and Faustina taking the lead to check for any traps that would still be laid out in plain sight, someone emerged from the shadows from behind their backs.

Kohana: Viveria noticed that same feeling again and looked over her shoulder to see who was behind her, but there was no one there... Feeling concerned after what happened, she continuously kept her guard up in order to protect the others.

Kohana: After that, we cut back to Operation: Cold Diamond Search, where me and the rest of the group were trying to find the Wind Insignia, in order to open the door and progres through. Luckily, we had Miku-chan with us, so she was able to use her powers and find that insignia in no time!

Aries: Heck, it even caught Misuru by surprise when she was able to control her powers that well. Once the Wind Insignia has been found, Miku uses her powers once more in order to activate the insignia. This also triggered her to transform into her Angel Goddess form, which just seals the deal of amazement and is so awesome!

The New B-Shot: Season Three (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora