Chapter 38: The Ceremony of Completion

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Kohana: Hello, fellow readers! I hope you are all doing well because we are doing it again! I'm your host, Kohana Mai and -- *shows B-Daman*

Aries: Ember Aries, the best B-Daman partner there is!

Kohana: -- And welcome to another segment of "The New B-Shot: Chapter Recap"!

Aries: Woo-hoo! Chapter Recap, lessgo!

Kohana: In today's Chapter Recap, we will be recapping the events of "Chapter 37: From Clues to Connections" and having that cliffhanger continue through in today's chapter.

Aries: So what are we waiting for? Let's get this started!


Kohana: We start Chapter 37 with Rika Shima and a letter in her hands. After her recovery from that battle during the "Four-Block Match" event, she has been given a letter from Elvire, letting her know about the upcoming Ceremony of Completion.

Kohana: After receiving the letter, she was debating between going to the Mystic Village and be there for the ceremony or stay in her room to have better recovery from what happened to her in the past. Eventually, she gives in and decides to help out with the preparations for the ceremony and no one worries about her wherabouts.

Aries: After that, Ashy-Mist makes her way to the Mystic Village to help in the preparations for the Ceremony of Completion. We then cut to Kohana in her bedroom, with Shiro, Miku, and Samuru in the same room to figure out what's going on with Akira's condition of her sudden headaches, along with the mysterious voice speaking to her in the Dream World.

Kohana: Shiro really wanted to know what was going on and needed to make sure that she's always there to take care and watch over her best friend.

Kohana: And what I've read about in the book called the "History's Legends and Myths", where it was the original copy found in ancient ruins during my travels around the world with my mother. After finding the right information needed within the book, I decided to give a reading about the information. It is revealed that when sudden headaches or anything happening to someone at an unexpected times, then it means that their fate has been decided by some kind of entity.

Aries: And that entity could be anything from legend or myth. So when Kohana was reading about the following myths and legends that are associated with those certain happenings, we were all surprised.

Kohana: After having that reading, we cut to the Mystic Village, where all of the Mystics are making the preparations for the Ceremony of Completion, to welcome in the newborn Mystics and Mystic who have completed their Mystic Trials. Viveria was making a few additions to the decorations around the area and Pawline was doing the same, by hanging some of the fairy lights around the Mystic Tree to make things look pretty.

Aries: I wish there was a way for us to go into the Mystic Village, too.

Kohana: Yeah, but I don't think they would easily let us into their territory because they're Mystics and they have their own legend to begin with. The Angel Goddesses didn't have any connections with the Mystics. Now we're making history of two legends working together.

Kohana: Anyways -- as all of the Mystics were decorating the entire village and getting ready for the ceremony, Ashy-Mist comes around and meets up with her teammates, Viveria and Pawline.

Kohana: Pawline jumps at Ashy-Mist and reminds her that she is still recovering, to which Pawline quickly apologizes. Viveria picks her up from the ground... But immediately lets go of her because of what Ashy-Mist called her out for.

Aries: Eventually, Elvire meets up with her students and remind them about the things that they need to do, like Viveria has a rehearsal that she needs to attend to and getting ready for the ceremony. While Ashy-Mist joins in with helping in decorating the place, alongside Pawline.

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