26: hush money

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The four rogue teens were still reeling with ecstasy; even after school had gotten out and they'd found themselves at The Wreck, snacking on greasy fries and popcorn shrimp as they made facetious bets on how John B and Sarah survived a tropical de...

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The four rogue teens were still reeling with ecstasy; even after school had gotten out and they'd found themselves at The Wreck, snacking on greasy fries and popcorn shrimp as they made facetious bets on how John B and Sarah survived a tropical depression. The pleasant little tourist trap was filled moderately with customers, although there weren't too many given the Pogue's had come in directly amidst the lunch and dinner rush. Business had still been moving rather well at its typical pace, but with summer reaching its final days, and all the non-residentials abandoning their vacation homes to return back to their authentic lives outside of North Carolina, the Carrera's would soon need to begin preparing for the off season.

Irregardless, the four friends slipped out the back entrance of the satisfactorily restaurant, taking their conversation outside in order to free up the table they'd been occupying for any actual paying customers. "Hey, Kiara, I do need those setups done by five!" The brunette's mother, Anna reminded her before she and the others had the chance to get too far away; a pen in hand as she sat in the patio area working on inventory.

"You do know, there are other people that work here?" Kiara asked rhetorically as they ambled down the Wreck's sun bleached dock, both she and Alana in front while Pope and JJ straggled a few beats behind. The two girls had been picking up shifts even while in unnecessary mourning, finding that it was easier than simply sitting at home, wallowing in sorrow.

"But ain't none of 'em my children." Anna rebutted, and while Kiara's deep brown eyes went rolling, the sixteen year old wouldn't dare say anything; not wanting to kick-start an argument with the obstinate woman; especially not over something that would take less than an hour to complete.

"I feel that." Pope related as they reached the rundown benches built conveniently into the dock. Consignment boats were lined up near the edge of the wooden structure, wading in the blue-green water as delivery men made repetitive trips to and from the restaurant, wheeling in stock for the week. "On a deep, emotional, level, I feel that." He nodded, climbing up onto the benches so that he could sit down alongside Alana on the railing. The boy had been helping his father at the seafood market for as long as he could remember; and even before then he was still there, toddling around the hardwood floors, getting into anything he could get his tiny hands on. Pope had truly grown up with the place, and in a sense it was Heyward's own way of teaching his son the significance of productivity and commitment.

"So, we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ wondered, squinting marginally as the sun reared its head through the overcast skies.

"I'm down." Alana shrugged as the blonde boy sat down on the bench in between her long legs. "We could drive down to Florida, and take the ferry to Nassau." She suggested, letting her hands fall onto JJ's shoulders.

"It's a solid plan, but I doubt we have enough money to make it there and back." Pope spoke logically as he leaned forward, casually resting his forearms on his knees. "And being stranded in the Caribbean is not a risk I want to take." He shook his head.

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