18: devil and the deep blue sea

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The hum of the Volkswagen's engine mixed indefinitely with the low melodies of Kiara's indie cd as John B Routledge pushed a steadfast fifty miles-per-hour over the bridge linking the Cut and Figure Eight

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The hum of the Volkswagen's engine mixed indefinitely with the low melodies of Kiara's indie cd as John B Routledge pushed a steadfast fifty miles-per-hour over the bridge linking the Cut and Figure Eight. Alana sat in the back of the van alongside JJ, her cerulean eyes set on the ever-reposeful marshland rushing by in a blur. The road was void, not a single vehicle in sight except for their own seeing as majority of the island's adult population was still at work, and normal kids their age rarely ever strayed from the city lines.

The sixteen year old's leg continued to bounce anxiously even after JJ had noticed and put a hand on her thigh. "I have a feeling that we're those dumbasses in the movies." She voiced collectedly in between the engine and Oasis, as they navigated onto a dirt road flanked with rows of tall, skinny pine trees and other various forms of untamed greenery.

"No shit." Pope emphasized, sitting parallel to the two blondes with Kiara on the bench beside him. "You guys really think they keep money out here?" He asked, eyes squinted as he peered out of the sun-hazed backseat window; evidently finding the general lack of buildings and civilization a bit odd.

"Look, that's what she said." JJ alluded, his restless fingers fidgeting with the clump of gold, before chuckling softly. "That's what she said." He repeated suggestively, and with the hand that was already on her thigh, he tapped Alana's leg with his ringed index finger.

"Stop." Pope told his friend sternly.

"I've never even heard of Ressurection Drive." Sarah chimed in from up in the passenger seat, turning around to face the four others in the back.

"It's 'cause you're rich." JJ quipped, a smirk at his lips.

"You've never heard of it either." Kiara replied obviously, rolling her chocolate eyes and earning an exasperated: "Thank you," from the Cameron girl. "There's nothing but weeds back here." She mentioned, glancing out of the window.

"All right, just 'cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's, like..." JJ trailed off as the sound of a police siren resounded throughout the area.

"Cops? Out here?" Kiara's voice was filled with suspicion as she and Pope whipped around to peer out of the back windshield.

Alana looked past the duo, expecting it to be a typical patrol car trailing the Volkswagen, however instead finding a navy blue Dodge Charger with no visible indications of being law enforcement. "And they're undercover." She pointed out.

"God! Are you kidding me?" JJ grumbled frustratedly.

"What did we do?" Sarah wondered.

"Why are we getting pulled over?" Pope asked uneasily, memories from the time he was nearly arrested, probably already invading his subconscious.

"Stash that." John B instructed JJ, motioning to the hunk of gold in his hands as they rolled to a stop and he put the van in park.

"Chill, guys." Kiara muttered.

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