24: adrift

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Worry had its hands around Alana's neck as she pushed forty miles-per-hour down a neighborhood street

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Worry had its hands around Alana's neck as she pushed forty miles-per-hour down a neighborhood street. Not only was time inching closer to three o'clock, but Anna's words had managed to strike a chord, resounding indefinitely within the perimeters of her headspace. Specifically the woman's warning about the hurricane. Undoubtedly, the storm was closer than anticipated, and Alana knew that if John B were to get caught in the surge, the likelihood of him surviving was slim to none.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" The blonde girl spoke up, keeping her aegean eyes on the road ahead. "The water's shouldn't be too bad yet?"

"It'll be fine." JJ reassured her, although Alana had a feeling that his worry went just as deep hers. "It'll be fine with the Phantom. She'll get out of here quick." He wound the silver ball link keychain around his knuckles just as three patrol cars shot past them, going in the opposite direction with sirens blaring.

While Kiara and JJ ducked down, Alana had no choice but to stay focused on the road, her heart skipping a beat as she continued on down the smooth asphalt. "They're still looking." Kiara sat upright in the passenger chair, glancing between both JJ and Alana. "It's a good sign."

Five silence filled minutes later and the trio had arrived at the storage shed—a decently sized wooden structure with sun-turned windows and a master padlock on the door. Alana shut the engine off, returning her keys to the cup holder as everyone piled out of the jeep. She and Kiara stood a few inches behind JJ as he stuck one of the keys into the lock, the door eventually sliding open with a rumble. Light from the outside pooled in, illuminating the old cigarette boat sitting up high on a steel trailer. "There she be." JJ acclaimed, both girls straggling in behind him. "Hey, girl." He pulled a dust-ridden sheet from the bow, tossing it to the side. "A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom."

Alana's mouth twisted half-heartedly. The way that JJ aggrandized the boat she would be lying if she said that the picture she had painted in her head was exactly the same as what was on display a few feet in front of her. "Mm-hm." She nodded impressively nonetheless as JJ looked over at her and Kiara.

"The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under sixteen hours, guys." He continued on, running his fingers over the boat's white exterior. "Forty years old! Forty. And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."

Kiara shrugged, leading Alana to concoct the theory that one of the two of them had to be an empath. "It's kind of a junker." She commented, earning an indolent fist bump from the blonde girl as JJ averted his attention back onto the pair, pretending to be taken aback by their lack of astonishment.

"Really? She's right there, Kie." JJ blinked dramatically, causing Alana to stifle a laugh as she walked over to the boat to get a closer look. "Let's just put it this way. You two would not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"

"Well if it's a she, the damn thing must be pretty badass." Alana grinned, hooking her thumbs on the belt loops of her distressed denim shorts.

"I just hope it runs." Kiara remarked, placing a hand on her hip.

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