02: breaking and entering

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Hurricane Agatha swept through the Outer Banks like wildfire with winds reaching over a hundred miles per hour, ultimately leaving The Cut without any cell service or electricity

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Hurricane Agatha swept through the Outer Banks like wildfire with winds reaching over a hundred miles per hour, ultimately leaving The Cut without any cell service or electricity. Alana Kessler peered from the open window of her sister's partially dated Chevy Malibu. The rain had left the skies overcast and colorless with clouds so heavy that not even the sun could find a way through.

"What's the point of having your own car if you're still going to make me drive you places?" Mia complained, eyes on the road ahead. "I was supposed to be at work ten minutes ago." Just over a year had passed since the twenty-four year old abandoned her waitressing job at Crawdad's for a modeling opportunity with a fairly local surf shop. Paradise Surf Co, especially popular with the tourists. The older Kessler got paid a decent amount of money to stand there posing in wetsuits and bikini's. Not enough to move them out of The Cut but enough to make a few simple renovations to their tiny abode.

"Please, you're just trying to hurry back to Carter." Alana poked fun at her older sister. Carter Flynn was a trust fund kid turned business owner and also Mia's Kook boyfriend of almost a year. The girl spent more time at his home in Figure Eight than her own, which was something Alana could appreciate seeing how often she let JJ, John B, and sometimes even Pope crash with her. "Besides, I don't think you'll be modeling any surfboards and swimsuits today anyway." The blue eyed girl took note of all the fallen trees and damaged property left in the wake of the storm as they finally made it to the pier.

"Seems like your boyfriends beat us here." Mia joked as she pulled up beside the dock, pointing out John B and JJ waiting patiently on the HMS Pogue: an old fishing boat that John B's father left behind and also the group's saving grace considering it was much more efficient than driving. "All right, out." The doors unlocked with a click.

"Bye." Releasing her seatbelt, Alana climbed from the passenger seat only to be immediately inundated by the humidity and smell of wet earth.

"Make sure to take the trash to the curb." Mia reminded her baby sister through the open window, knowing that her chances of returning to their side of the island before the weekend were slim to none. "And stay out of my room. You have your own shit."

"It's called sharing." Alana laughed nonchalantly. Everyone knew the unspoken rule between sisters. 

"No, it isn't. Because your idea of sharing doesn't include a return policy." Mia offered her teenage sister a fake tight lipped smile.

"I've gotta go," Alana looked back at her friends, knowing the two boys could only remain patient for so long. "But, give your Kook my regards." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm as Mia flipped her off. And despite the absence of sunshine, the older sister lowered her sunglasses over her green eyes, before pulling off. Sights set on Figure Eight.

Alana laughed to herself before jogging down the wooden dock and towards the HMS Pogue, her wild golden curls moving in the thick humidity.

"Dude, your sister gets hotter each time I see her." John B gawked. Light freckles painted his face like stars and his brunette curls peeked out from underneath his backwards beige cap.

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