When you go shopping together

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- Even if you spend a lot of time choosing, he won't be irritated. Instead he'll help you choose.

-"I think you should pick that one. That colour will really suit you."

-And you end up taking his advice and buy the dress  he has chosen for you.

- He'll take this chance to tease you a bit.

-"You were literally choosing among these for like 20 minutes, yet at the end you just took my advice."

"I came here with you for a reason you know."

-He'll just laugh and follow wherever you go, letting you take the lead.

- Of course he carries the bags for you.


- First of all, boy gonna make you choose his clothes.

- When you choose something for him, he'd definitely go with your choice.

-"I was thinking about taking this one as well."

- When you tell him to choose something, he'll be serious about it at first.

- "How about taking all of these? I think you look good in all."

- Ends up buying a lot of outfits and jewelleries for you and himself as well.

- "I don't know why but I feel nice for being able to come for shopping with you."


-  A puppy, basically lets you go anywhere and buys anything as you wish.

-"Look that plushie is so cute."

"Want me to buy that for you?"

"No no no you don't have to. I just found it cute that's all."

"If that's what you say.."

- And no point of trying to stop him. He's already buying the plushie.

- "Here you go. It's really cute actually, just like you."

- You'd playfully hit his arm and he'll smile bright.

- Overall a fun time together with him.


- Will let you take the lead.

- "Which one do you think looks better?"

- "Both of them are good on you. But if I were to pick one then..."

- And that's how he helps you choose dresses or accessories.

- When it's his turn, he'll low-key try to impress you by trying different outfits, as he knows he pulls off anything.

- "Y/N aah...Which one should I pick?"

- You're gonna have a hard time choosing outfits for him as he tried so many and slayed all of them.

-However in the end both of you agreed on the same outfit and he decided to just take that.


- "This one? But don't you think that one looks better?"

And y'all tried to choose outfit for like 10 times. But every time he sees a different one, he'll try that.

-"Ah Y/N I think I'm in trouble. I can't pick one. Should we pick randomly?!"

- You laughed at his silliness. However you gotta admit, he's cute.

- "Y/N let's not buy from here. I want to check some other places as well."

-"You literally spent 30 minutes here and-"

-And he's gonna drag you out of there to go to another shop.

-"ISTG Sunoo I don't think I'll be able to buy anything today at this point."


- Pretty chill one. Just recommending good places according to your taste.

- "Hey Jungwon, which one should I take?"

- And he's naturally gonna help you choose.

- "I think this one? I like the colour. It looks good on you."

- And of course you're gonna take his suggestion!

-"Y/N ahh..  I know a good restaurant here. Wanna eat something?"

-Being the food lover you are, you immediately cling into his arms, ready to go.

- He'd just smile and say "You're cute."


- "Y/N what's taking you soooo long?"

-"ssshhh behave kid. Let me choose."

- But as you can't choose, you ended up seeking help from him.

-"Niki-ah.. help me choose."

- And you gave him puppy eyes.

- But being the sassy boy, he'll roll his eyes at you.

-"I'm not the one who's gonna wear it anyway so.. pick on your own hmph."

-After that he's literally gonna mind his own buisness, leaving you annoyed.

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