When they explain something to you

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- Calmly explains when you don't understand something.
- During the explaining process, he'll be actually distracted by you looking at him with your doe eyes.
- He immediately finds you so cute and just wants to squish your cheeks.
- Forgetting about what to explain, he starts laughing.


- Tries to make the explanation as easy as possible.
- Finds your curious side admirable.
- Appreciates you for your efforts.
- Laughs when you don't understand something and just stare at him blinking your eyes.
- No matter how many times you ask him the same question, he'll find a new way to answer them every time and solve your concern eventually.


- Thinks you're a baby when you knit your brows together in confusion.
- "Gosh how did you get out from my pocket."
- Just like that, he's gonna be a little dramatic.
- But explains things to you anyways.
- Let me tell you, he's the best at tutoring. So his explanations are definitely gonna be useful.


- Joins you in a competition of zoning out while thinking about your question.
- But he finds a way to solve it quickly and helps you out.
- When you thank him, expect him to brag about this.
-"I'm smart you already know that Y/N". If you're curious about something ever again, just come to me."


- Rolls his eyes playfully if you don't understand what he explains.
- But repeats it anyways and tries to make you understand.
- "But why did you come up with that silly topic? I mean why's your topic of interest so random?" He asks teasingly.
- Joins you in finding out more about the matter.


- Doesn't want to misguide you so he'll not say something he isn't sure about.
- Even when he explains or solves it, he wants you to check it up.
- Finds it pleasing how you always ask him first about just anything, even a trivial matter.
- "Y/N is working hard to enrich her knowledge, right?"


- "Am I supposed to know that?" And proceeds to play his games.
- Gives you a sassy look.
- When you nag him to help you, he'll just turn the Google speaker on for you and tell you to research.
- Being annoyed, you'll probably sarcastically say "haha thanks! So useful!" And he'll be like "I know"

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