When you play a game together

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- This man is literally good at everything. So it's for a fact that you stand no chance against him when it comes to playing games.
- Low-key judging you for being too bad at it.
-"Hahaha Y/N, why can you defeat me just once?"
- Seeing your grumpy expression, he gives you a peck on your cheeks.
-purposely loses once or twice without making it too obvious, just to make you happy.
-"Let's make a deal. I won't go easy this time. If you can defeat me, I'll buy you anything you want."


- Man just wants fair play.
- Would laugh at your whinny self when he wins.
- You might end up winning against him somehow and then do a victory dance.
- "I don't even know why just one win is making you so happy but you're cute anyways."
- You try to brag about your win, but fail miserably when he reminds you he won against you in most of the games.
- "It was a fun time. We can play games from time to time."


- isn't a fan of playing games, but highly interested it's his type and you're the one who's in.
- Competitive. Literally throws himself at the couch in joy when he wins a game.
- Screaming and throwing silly jokes here and there is a must.
- Yells when you try to play a trick. But again, laughs at your silliness.
- "Wahhh it was crazy Y/N. I didn't know I'd enjoy it that much."
- Doesn't really wanna admit that he lost more against you. He's rather playful.


- Well, he might love you with all his heart but duh, it's games we're talking about. Of course he'll try his best to win.
- "Y/N don't even try to pull your dirty tricks on me. Imma smack you."
- "YESSSS NICCEEEEEEE" - definitely is a Sunghoon thing to do when he wins.
- When you win and tease him about it, he's gonna go like "iiiissshhhh"
- Tickles you to stop you from teasing him.
- So um ..the computer gaming session has soon turned into a tickling fight.


- "Computer games? Hey, we should watch K drama instead!
- But once y'all start playing, he's so into the game.
- Winning or losing doesn't really matter to him. He is rather happy seeing your expression.
- Laughs at you who's laughing like a monster.
- Can't handle your dramatic self when you win, cause you're loud as heck which made him almost roll on the floor.
- "I thought I was gonna cry. You're hilarious Y/N"


- Calmly enjoys the game with you and chats here and there.
- Tries to make a bet with you like "Whoever loses should grant a wish of the winner."
- He ends up winning but doesn't want anything right away, as he can't think of anything.
- You teased him asking if he wanted kisses.
- "Kisses? Should I use it for just kisses? I mean, I can have that whenever I want though."
- congratulations, you're now blushing.


- Simple equation. You.can't.win.against.him.
- He will never let you win as he knows you're gonna brag about it to everyone you meet.
- If you're taking the lead in the game and are likely to win, he'll get up and literally pick you up from your chair, not minding your yells.
- Throws you on the couch without letting the game end.
- When you're mad, he'll log out and turn the computer off, before returning to you and cuddling you.
- If he's in the mood, he might kiss you as well.

✨Author note✨

I guess I'm back after a long hiatus :")
I hope I won't have to disappear again. I'll slowly try to update my other books as well when I get some free time from annoying college works.

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