How they spend Valentine's day with you

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- Wishes you with a "Happy Valentine's day" in the morning.
- When you wish him for the day, he'll give you a warm smile and kiss you gently.
- If he has enough time, he'll suddenly suggest going somewhere near and celebrate the day!
- Buys you roses and maybe other flowers as well, specially your favourite one is a must!


- A huge bouquet of rose is already there in the bed side table the moment you open your eyes in the morning.
- Makes breakfast for you on that day, as he can't always do that due to his busy schedule.
- Gives you forehead kiss and hugs you tightly.
- Tries to at least spend the morning with you and have breakfast together.


- Wakes you up saying "I love you", following with a sweet "Happy Valentine's Day".
- Maybe decorates a little with heart shaped red balloons.
- Expect to receive roses, maybe a gift as well!
- "It's a special day so I just wanted to celebrate. But my love for you will remain the same regardless of what day it is."


- Isn't really a fan of celebrating this, so maybe you're the one initiating!
- Finds it adorable when you make a fuss about it and excitedly wish him while giving him a tight hug early in the morning.
- Hugs you back and strokes your hair, saying he loves you.
-Buys roses and chocolates for you on his way back home at night.


- He'll buy your favourite flower and chocolates, which you'll end up sharing afterwards.
- Suggests to go out with matching outfits.
- Maybe have a red velvet cake!
- Buying couple rings or other couple items
- Having a movie date at night.


- Wants to make you happy but a bit confused of what to do.
- Prepares pancakes for breakfast and cut them in heart shape, before waking you up gently.
- When you hug him, he feels he succeeded and smiles bright.
- Amusement Park date!


- Secretly wants you to wish him first with a kiss.
- And maybe you received the signal with your telepathy, so you woke him up with a kiss.
- He covers himself with the blanket but literally blushes under the cover.
- Finally calms down, wishes you and promises to buy you chocolates. But his playful side never leaves.

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