When you're zoned out

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- Snapped his finger in front of your eyes.

-When you came back to your senses, you curiously looked at him, making him laugh at you.

- "Why were you zoning out?"

- You'll try to play it cool and say it's nothing but he's quick to sense something's wrong with you.

-Being the gentle boyfriend he is, he'd immediately try to talk to you.

-But if he figures you're not ready to share your concerns with him, he'll wait for you to open up to him.

- Meanwhile, he tries to make you happy by making jokes.

- Cuddles


- Almost immediately asks you what's wrong.

- You tried to hide that you're struggling but failed miserably, as he knows you too well.

- "Come on, I know you're not the type to just zone out for no reason. Tell me what happened."

- You ended up crying. So instead of showering you with questions, he'll just comfort you.

-"It's okay, you can always talk to me you know."

- When you calm down, he'll gently try to know the reason why you're struggling.

-When you tell him, he'll try to help you or give you advises, regarding the situation.

- Brings you a lot of chocolates and flowers, just to see you smile.


- At first he didn't mind, he thought you were cute to be zoned out like that.

- But when he saw your dull expression, he immediately realized.

-"You're not really okay, I can undoubtedly say."

- And you try to assure him saying you were fine. But he didn't buy it.

- "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." Just be that cheerful Y/N I know."

- Although he acted like he didn't wanna know the reason, deep inside he's dying to know. Because whatever it is, he wants to solve it to make you smile again.

- Buys you chocolate and makes sure to not leave you alone, in case you cry.


-"Hey why are you zoning out?"

- As you didn't reply, he sat in front of you.

- When you realized you were zoned out for a while, you awkwardly laughed it off saying it was nothing.

- He gave you a doubtful look before shrugging it off.

-But it didn't take him long to realize that you were not okay.

-"Y/N, you're lying. Tell me what's going on."

- Sighing, you shared him your concerns. He's a good listener, so he'll silently look at your eyes.

-When you're done ranting, he'll pat your head and tell you some cheerful words.

- Actually worried about you and wants to protect you.


- "Y/N which selfie is better?"

- When he had no response from you, he looked over at you just to find you zoned out.

- Walked closer to you and waved his hand.

- "What's wrong with you? Why are you zoning out suddenly?"

- You said you were fine but he rolled his eyes.

-"Okay but you know what? You should know that you're bad at lying Y/N. I can really tell you are not fine just by looking at you."

- Then you opened up to him about your worries and he comforted you.

-Although he's childish, he becomes really matured when it comes to sensitive topic.


- When he noticed you zoning out, at first he laughed at you.

- He walked over to you and clapped his hands in front of your eyes, making you surprised.

- Normally you bicker at him for his pranks but when you went silent he knew exactly what happened.

- "Y/N is there anything wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"

- When you don't talk about it, he's patient. He just tries to make you feel good by any means, until you're comfortable enough to share your concerns.

- Orders your favourite food, as he knows he's gonna mess up if he tries cooking and will be scolded by you in the end.


- He'd be really confused at first and find the situation funny.

- Tried to call you in a small voice, but your concentration was anywhere else, so you didn't hear him.

- Pokes your shoulder saying, "You glitching?"

-You roll your eyes at him, however didn't say anything.

- And that made him realize that you were not in a good mood.

-Tries to crack jokes to make you laugh, and eventually you did. After all you love this silly side of him.

- When you're finally okay, he'll try to understand the reason of you zoning out suddenly.

- Comforting Words.

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