When they're upset about something

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- Tries not to concern you.
- Doubts himself
- even though he doesn't want you to find out, you realize anyway.
- When you talk it out with him and cheer him up, he's relieved
- reminds himself how lucky he is to have you and your support.


- Tries his best to act normal with you, cause he doesn't want you to drag yourself into the matter.
- Tries to stay positive and sort it out himself.
- When he needs support, he shares the matter.
- You're his mood maker, so he soon returns to his usual self.


- It's clearly visible when he's upset. So you notice right away.
- Is healed by your comforting words towards him.
- Kisses your hand telling how much grateful he is to have you by his side in every situation.
- A bunch of warm lovey-dovey moment between you two.


-Man is just quiet, real quiet. So you know something is wrong.
- He won't actually tell you about it until you ask first,because he's unsure whether you're interested to know or not.
- But when you give all your attention to him just to make sure he's fine, his heart melts.
- Smiley cuddly hoon afterwards.


- As he's always bright, if something upsets him, it is noticeable.
- You talk it out with him and he feels better after letting it all out.
- Wants to spend some time with you to free his mind completely.
- The sunshine is bright again at the end of the day.


- He can control his emotions well, so he doesn't really show when he's upset of something.
- But when you sense him a little off, you break the ice between you two.
- Finally shares what's bothering him.
- A long, heart to heart midnight conversation is just what he needs to be healed.


- He just fidgets with his hands sitting idly.
- When you want to know the reason, he refuses to admit at first, knowing you'd be worried for him.
- But then, he gives up at your stubbornness and lets it out.
- Happy after you make him his favourite dish and play games with him.

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