When you decide to spend a vacation together in a foreign country

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- Excited to spend his vacation with you.
- "Finally we get to spend quality time."
- You'll actually see the baby side of him, being all excited and jumpy jumpy about the vacation.
- Plans where to go and what to eat.
- Doesn't care about packing at all. All he cares about is he's going with you in your dream country, making your wish come true.


- Packs everything accordingly like the husband material he is.
- Plans out each of the tour days neatly.
- Makes sure to book hotel beforehand.
- Happy to finally be able to travel with you.
- Just by the though of having you by his side on a lovely trip can make his mood go up.


- Very much excited and looking forward to it.
- Both of you pack everything together while laughing and jumping around being all excited.
- Plans on what he wanna do there.
- Searches google for recommendation to spend the vacation fruitfully.
- Buys few necessary things to take while travelling.


- Rather than his own excitement, he's more hyped by watching you literally make a fuss about it.
- When you jump happily and literally act crazy, he'd still laugh at you with so much adoration and love in his eyes.
- Tries to keep up with your energy while planning for the tour, packing, booking places etc.
- So much fascinated with the fact that he'll finally get to travel somewhere he wanted to for a long time, with the love of his life.


- As much excited as you.
- You two literally scream together in excitement and thrill.
- Literally watch tour vlogs and reviews all day.
- Packing a lot of snacks.
- Planning fun activities to do.
- Even planning on striking different poses to do according to the place and taking a lot of pictures.
- Taking a film camera, because he wants to make e vlog and save the memory.


- Feels so happy when you're purely excited about it.
- Finds you really cute preparing a lot for the tour.
- Finds it funny when you literally change your decision every second like "Oh I should take this coat, it makes me look cool. Oh! But the weather there doesn't go with coat! Should I take this off shoulder dress instead?!"
- Laughs hard at your confused yet cute self.


- Isn't bothered about packing stuffs, he's a last minute person.
- "Niki what if you forget to take your necessaries?"
"I'll just buy them."
- And you facepalm yourself.
- Doesn't show it but he's really happy to travel with you. It has always been one of his secret wishes.
- Doesn't want to plan a lot of things ahead. Because he likes to go with the flow and enjoy the thrill.

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