How they spend time with you

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- Wants to play games with you.

- A movie night with you also sounds fine to him.

- When he feels a little emotional, he'll have a heart to heart talking session with you late at night.

- Both of you cuddle on the bed all day lazily.

- Listening to songs while sharing ear buds.

- Ramen Dates at home.


- If he's in the mood, he'll take you out on a date.

- Spends quality time with you.

- Home shopping.

- Baking together.

- Dancing together madly for no reason. He'll be embarrassed about it first but will let it slide when he sees how mischievous you are.

- Watching random things on YouTube such as fashion runways or cooking videos.


- Be lazy all day and gossip with eachother.

- Watching puppy videos together on YouTube.

- Joking, Smiling, laughing literally all day.

- A date outside.

- Him spoiling you with anything you want.

-Playing indoor games together.


- He wants to stay at home and rest, having you beside him.

- Just sit idly and talk for hours about random things.

- Watching animal videos or skating videos on YouTube.

- He might take you outside, but somewhere near.

- Clingy Randomly, depends on his mood.

- Assists you in your works if he can.


- Going to an amusement park or a nearby small park is a must.

- Taking Photos of eachother and selfies together.

- Buys bubbles and both of you play with it even at home.

- "Y/N I feel like I've become younger."
And he gives his bright smile.

- Tries to learn cooking from you.

- Wants to help you sometimes.

- Binge Watching drama together.


- Watching Random things on Netflix, YouTube.

- Shares few Taekwondo tricks with you as it's important to know self defense.

- Ruffles your hair Randomly.

- Watches you cook and asks if he can help with anything.

- Going out somewhere near.

- Taking many selfies together.

- Listening to songs and singing along together.


- Playing games together.

- Betting on games.

- Watching Tiktok. He wants to make a tiktok with you and you can't help but agree, as you know he's gonna be a whinny baby if you don't.

- "Y/N you gotta move like this."

- And you ended up dancing for his tiktok.

- Ordering foods you like.

- Him recommending you tasty Japanese dishes.

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