How they make up to you for a mistake

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- Calls you in sweet nicknames.

- Tells you he's sorry a lot of times.

- Won't give up until you behave normal.

- Does anything to make you smile again.

- "Y/N I brought your favourite chocolate! But I won't give it until you say we're okay."


- A bit annoyed that you're making a fuss about it.

- Decided to give you time until you cool down.

- But eventually misses you.

- Cooked your favourite dish as a sorry.

- "Y/N.. we shouldn't be like this.. let's make up hm?"


- tell you sorry for like 10 times.

- Asks you what he can do to make up for his mistake.

- Thinking of every possible things that can make you smile.

- clings onto you.

- "Y/N it'll never happen again. I promise really!"


- Whines when you sulk.

- Tells you sorry in the softest way possible.

- Premises to buy you Ice cream.

- Repeatedly peeks over you to check if you're smiling secretly.

-"Y/N aah it's been a while since you avoided me. Now I kinda feel lonely."


- Aegyo is a must cuz he knows you can't resist his cuteness.

- When you're still not giving your attention to him, he'll pout.

- Tells you sorry cutely.

- Orders foods you love.

- "Y/N how about a movie night today?"


- Says sorry almost immediately after realising his fault.

- Laughs at how you sulk.

- Tries to do some funny gestures to make you laugh.

- Follows you around.

- "Excuse me Y/N -shi..Can you look at me please?"


- Tells you sorry but also finds it funny when you're not letting him get away with it easily.

- nudges you lightly when you ignore him.

- Took out the cereal you love and ate it in front of you.

- Offers you to eat but you refuse.

- "Huh? What's wrong with this girl seriously. Hey talk to me!"

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