Meeting Up

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They walked down the streets of Magnolia to meet up with their friends. Today was the day they would have fun. The Grand Magic Games were over, and they wanted to take a break. Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Levy, Gray, Juvia, Mira, Erza, and the exceeds were going to meet up with their friends from Sabertooth for a mini vacation. They had no idea what was actually going to happen, and the irony of it all made the weavers of fate love their job.

"Yo! Natsu!" A certain white dragon slayer yelled. The wizards of fairy tail smiled, happy to see their friends from Sabortooth coming their way.

"Hey look who it is!" Happy exclaimed as Lector and Frosch came up.

"Yukino!" Lucy hugged her celestial wizard friend. "Nice to see you again!" She said.

"Yea, Lucy, you too." She smiled.

"Hmf, you again." Rogue looked at Gajeel who raised an eyebrow.

"Problem?" Gajeel looked at the shady dragon slayer.

"Yea, and I'm looking at him." Rogue balled his fists. Gajeel did the same as they knocked heads ready to fight.

"Boys." Erza said threateningly as she loomed over them surrounded by an intimidating aura. They slowly inched away as she stared them down.

"Gajeel!" Levy whisper-yelled as she glared at him. He scratched the back of his head as he gave her a cheesy grin. "You know better! Act your age!" She scolded him. He winced and gave her an annoyed look. She kept glaring.

"Anyway." Mira cleared her throat. "We're going to the beach!" She exclaimed. Everyone cheered as they made their way to the train. Yes, the train. Dragon slayers-train-motion sickness. No need for further explanation.

"Do I have to sit on the train with motion sickness babies." Gray complained.

"What was that ice girl?!" Natsu exclaimed.
"You heard me salamander!" Gray glared at Natsu.

"Ahhhh!" Juvia exclaimed as Gray ripped off his shirt. She had hearts in her eyes as she cupped her face in a daydream.

"What the?! Put your damn shirt back on!" Gajeel exclaimed.

"Boys!" Erza was far more agitated. The two of them hid behind Wendy as they got the Erza glare.

"H-heh." Wendy nervously waved at Erza. Carla glared at the two idiots.

"Hmf, cowards." She folded her arms and held her head up in disgust.

"This is going to be a long vacation." Pantherlilly said as he sighed.

"But it's going to be fun! I can't wait to get in the sun! It's been so long since I've had a good day at the beach!" Lucy was ecstatic.

"Frosch thinks so too!" The frog-like exceed exclaimed. Lector nodded his head in agreement.

"Well, what're we waiting for?! Let's go!" Natsu pumped his fist in the air as they got on the train.

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