Ice Cold Water

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"Water Nebula!" A certain water mage exclaimed as a hoard of demons attacked. She was on her own protecting Gray as he shook with fear from a demon that brought back memories.

"D-deliora." He whispered as he held his head. "U-ur, d-don't do i-it." He said with eyes full of fear. Juvia faltered for a moment to listen to what he was saying, and a demon hit her. She slid through the mud and into a tree with a thud. An evil laugh was heard but was not seen through the chaos, and Juvia felt chills travel down her spine as she slowly got up. Her pink dress was torn at the bottom, and her sun hat was lying in the mud.

"Who are you?! Juvia will see to your demise!" She exclaimed as she got into an offensive stance. He laughed once more.

"I don't think you can continue in this state, let alone kill me." He said amusedly, and Juvia felt the weight of his words as she looked at a traumatized Gray.

"Juvia won't let you hurt us! Juvia will protect Gray-sama!" She yelled. "Water Slicer!" Thin blades of water cut down half of the demons, but more came in their place. Juvia mentally cursed her foolishness in thinking she could help Gray.

"What power! Time to share." The voice laughed as a sinister man with black hair and red eyes showed himself. Juvia narrowed her eyes.

"You." She sneered. A man with a bandana over his head walked up behind him carrying a gun of sorts.

"Take care of her. I'll put him out of his misery first." The sinister man said as he pointed to Gray.

"No!" She ran towards Gray, but Renkotsu blasted her with his cannon-like gun. She was blown backwards and off the cliff into the water.

"D-deliora." Gray looked around in panic.

"What's he mumbling about?" Renkotsu asked.

"It won't matter for much longer." Naraku smirked as he wrapped a struggling Gray in tentacles.

"Naraku." A cold voice rang out with hidden anger, and Renkotsu stood in between Sesshomaru and Naraku who was in the middle of absorbing Gray. Sesshomaru did not hesitate in throwing his poison whip in Renkotsu's direction.

"I don't think so." A voice rang out, and Sesshomaru's whip was cut off by none other that Bankotsu's halberd, Banryu. Sesshomaru growled in annoyance. He realized someone was in Naraku's grasp, and he took out his sword. Naraku followed Sesshomaru's gaze and smirked.

"Yes, I see you've noticed. As soon as I absorb this mage, I'll have his abilities. It's a good thing I've rendered his ability now, or I'd be dead." He laughed. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, ready to strike but stopped when storm clouds quickly but ominously formed around the area. A heavy rain began to fall, and it put everyone on edge.

"I don't like this feeling." Renkotsu said aloud. Bankotsu scoffed.

"It's just a little rain." He replied annoyed.

"But, it came so quickly." He whined.

"Shut up! Let's kill this guy." Bankotsu said as he readied his halberd.

"Drip, drip, drop..." A voice was heard coming from the shadows of the forest hiding the edge of the cliff.

"W-what's that?" Renkotsu stuttered.

"Probably just a pathetic demon." Bankotsu shrugged. Juvia ominously appeared behind him made fully of water.

"Ya know," she said as Bankotsu's eyes widened, "you shouldn't speak so lightly of demons. They can be very traumatizing." She tilted her head with a lost look in her eyes.

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