Healing and Mourning

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♠This chapter is dedicated to @mommy666 and @mariel19xd for giving suggestions, voting, and commenting!!!♠ :3 Thank you all for reading! I'll try to update soon!

"Oh," she whined as her feet drug the ground, "Yukino, I'm so tired! Please, can we rest a bit?" Lucy complained to a steadfast Yukino.

"Do you want to find the others?" Yukino asked as she jump on top of a boulder to look at her surroundings.

"Yes, but I'm about to pass out!" She exclaimed, and Yukino sighed.

"I guess we can rest for a bit." She said as she sat on the boulder. Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you think that's a little too close to the edge of the cliff?" Lucy asked. Yukino looked behind her.

"Nah, I'll be-"

"Works for me!" An unknown voice said as a tentacle wrapped around an unexpecting Yukino.

"Yukino!" Lucy jumped up. "Open, Gate of the Lion: Leo!" She shouted as she pulled out her keys. Loki jumped from the gates of the celestial world, ready to fight. He threw balls of light in the man's direction, but he dodged or blocked with his tentacles.

"How dare you lay a hand on Yukino! Let her go!" He exclaimed as a burst of light went in the amused man's direction, but it subsided when it collided with some sort of barrier. In the midst of Loki's confusion, one of the evil man's tentacles pierced his stomach. Lucy gasped.

"Loki!" She exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Lucy. I'll be fine, but more importantly, I'm sorry." He said before he disappeared in a midst of shiny light.

"Lucy! Try Scorpio!" Yukino exclaimed, and the man tightened his grip. Yukino gasped for air, and Lucy's anger rose.

"Give her back you bully!" Lucy exclaimed as she raised Scorpio's gate key.

"Open, Gate of the Scorpion: Scorpio!" She exclaimed, and Scorpio appeared with a look of determination.

"Alright!" He exclaimed as he blasted sand at the man, but again, it hit a barrier. "What?" Scorpio said in confusion.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" Lucy exclaimed. The man laughed, sending chills up her spine.

"I'm Naraku, and I want you and your little friend here." He smirked. Lucy shuddered in disgust.

"You'll pay for this! As soon as I get past your barrier!" She warned in anger.

"Just try." He sneered.

"Open, Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus! Open, Gate of the Maiden: Virgo! Open, Gate of the Goat: Capricorn! Open, Gate of the Archer: Sagittarius! Open, Gate of the Giant Crab: Cancer! Open, Gate of the Ram: Aries!" She said, and all her capable spirits surrounded her. They were all ready and determined to fight.

"Lucy! Don't! You'll over exert yourself!" Yukino exclaimed with effort as Naraku began to cover her with his tentacle. She struggled and struggled to get free, but her hand couldn't reach her keys.

"Break the *pant* barrier and free *pant" Yukino!" Lucy exclaimed exhaustedly. They all shot toward the barrier to break it. Sparks flew everywhere as they pushed on the cracking barrier. Naraku became angry and swung his tentacles at the spirits. Most of them dodged, but some dissipated as Lucy's magical energy drained slowly. The barrier flickered as the spirits used their last bit of energy to break it, and at the last minute it shattered as the spirits disappeared into the celestial spirit world. Lucy ran up to the boulder and glared at a fuming Naraku.

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